2-11-15 Lesson 42 Laurie’s Reflections

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lesson 42: “God is my strength.  Vision is His gift.”

We can in fact look to God to be the source of our strength.  We don’t have to have a shield of armor.  The world can seem like a place where we are faced with battles.  Thus, the ego claims we need to prepare ourselves for this attack from the world but says we will never be strong enough.  We are given the message on every level of existence that we are weak.

Weakness is the ego’s song.  Always comparing, always coming up short with anything it faces.  The ego’s base line is the self concept of smallness and being fragmented- not whole- and so necessarily ready to topple over.  Our egos can’t support us even.  We can’t even stand up because the ego continues to inform us strength within is a distant memory.

The ego buys into the insanity of weakness.  Certainty of God is our strength.  When we sit in our certainty we simply tune into our powerful feelings of knowing that all is well, that our identity is based on that of God.  Therefore, we are inherently powerful always no matter what we are faced with in the world.  Nothing can diminish this strength when we believe it and think it.

This is when we naturally emit an energy of power and protection because we are identifying with God Who is wholly powerful.  This is how we maintain our strength.  We need to start with our own beliefs and thoughts.  Then this inner power will radiate from us because we are so calm and committed to this perception that it simply becomes manifested into the reflection in the world.  We are living in the energy.

We are asked to look to God as our strength.  Pay attention to our feelings of certainty and understand this strength is from God.  That’s why it’s full-proof. All we have to do is carry this with us and know God is the foundation of this certainty.  This is why it is such a power.

Because we see with Godly Vision this is why we are strong.  When we see with God’s Vision, life is simply an extension of love and we apply forgiveness to all we see.  This is why we need to continue to be willing to perceive with the love of God.  Then we lose any attachment to judgement and suffering because we see with eyes of loving acceptance.  When we see with God Vision, we are instantly transformed to one seeing with our certainty because we see everything as an expression of God.  We will then have no worries or guilt or resentment.  These rifts in our peace never occur because we know that all is well.


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