ACIM Lesson 222

Lesson 222: “What is forgiveness?”  “God is with me.  I live and move in Him.”

This lesson says,  “He is my home, wherein I live and move;  the Spirit which directs my actions, offers me Its Thoughts, and guarantees my safety from all pain. He covers me with kindness and with care, and holds in love the Son He shines upon, who shines on Him.” 

The Course gives us an accurate description of God. 

We get the skinny about the true nature of God. 

We get the actual truth that has been totally absent from our reality and consciousness, because we were accustomed the those versions of God that make us want to run and hide. 

We just got into a groove -a huge deception from the world and our egos- a presumption about God that we hear generally.

The Course is giving us the permission to get to the depth of the truth. 

We get a God instead who is completely in love with us, and a God who is totally enamored with us, totally and always entirely with unconditional love, that has zero judgement in it. 

 God wants us to know Him for who He is, and thus, we can just give our minds permission to absorb this reality.  

When we know that God loves us infinitely and supremely, then, we can trust God to be truly how He is at all times, without fail. 

When we can trust God to be God, then our faith skyrockets, because all other problems are gone. 

The only problem was that we had this false illusion and false notion about God. 

But once it is thoroughly rectified, then we just get to enjoy the ride of life, since then we have nothing else to do.

God guarantees our safety from pain at every second, and therefore, we can simply remember this truth for what it is.  This means we can trust it and then accept it for what it is. 

God is not just about making sure we are out of pain. 

God wants us to know we are gifted with ultra abundance in the world, we get all the magnificent miracles emotionally and spiritually, and then we get all Godly things. 

God wants us to know we are worth all the amazing stuff. 

It is not just that we are worthy of no pain, it is that we are worthy of so much more on the spectrum it is impossible to describe. 

We are asked not to limit God. 

This is the grand illusion of the ego to fashion God like the ego.   

We just need to accept that we were mistaken, and promptly change our minds.  This is easy and fun and gives us the giggles if we allow it.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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