ACIM Lesson 249

Lesson 249: “What is the world?”  “Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss.”

We have this immediate end to our suffering. 

We have just the simplest of answers. 

Forgiveness- when we do it with love- is the only thing that makes a difference in our existence. 

Forgiveness is the simple answer.  We don’t have to make a long drawn-out story.

We don’t have to make forgiveness some complicated, and therefore, confusing answer. 

We just need to keep it as simple as we can.  Then, we show up and bring forgiveness with a grateful and therefore, loving heart.

What often happens is we can confuse the ego’s version of forgiveness with God’s- which is strictly of love. 

The ego’s forgiveness always comes with a price, even if it seems like a small price.

We are sure to find it with that weightiness of having to give forgiveness with some amount of should’s attached. 

The ego very carefully disguises forgiveness in a long shadow, that seems in some ways like we are doing the job of forgiveness, but the truth is we make forgiveness with some conditions and with the ego’s harsh reality.

When we allow forgiveness to come from God’s will and purpose, then suddenly it comes and sinks in to that part  of the situation that needs a miracle. 

The forgiveness of God always comes specifically with love. 

This love transforms the old, worn out ego version of forgiveness that always feels terrible and makes us want to run and hide because it is equally as inappropriate as the problem we are trying to heal. 

The forgiveness without God’s love is an error because it is wrong.  Love heals us completely.

Especially when we perceive that there has been some wrong that has happened, we want to bring love because it is the only way to heal the big picture. 

Giving love transforms that idea of error to one of acceptance and forgiveness with an easy and grateful heart. 

It allows us to turn our minds right around and bring them back to God with a single thought- forgiveness.


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