ACIM Lesson 343

Lesson 343: “What is a Miracle?   I am not asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God.” 

Our contentment is not just in terms of the obliteration of our pain.  

The Course says that we have much more abundance in store for us when we join forces and energy with God.  When we live with the ego, we are always inundated with intolerable levels of pain.

This is sin, sickness and death in whatever form they appear. 

When we are asked the option of whether we want God or not- instead of the ego- we learn here that this is much more than about the simple numbing of pain.

Not feeling the pain is a great place to start, but what is much better is the Course’s version of God’s offering- God’s mercy in the form of His compassion.  

We are given God’s mercy to bring the state of our minds and our lives into a state of ecstasy- of each and every moment- because we are so full with the energy of Love. 

When we allow God’s Love to fill our minds and hearts, then we feel so good because our energy and minds are light and  ever capable of bringing miracles.  When we are in that miracle-ready-mindedness, then we face everything that comes across our path like a blessed gift at each turn.

When we are always full with God’s Love and we can express this in the world in the form of a Miracle, then we are totally at peace because we feel so good.

When we are filled with God’s Love, not a doubt in our minds yet remains, because we experience that all is well in our minds and in the world. 

Therefore, nothing scares us so we can approach whatever looks as a call for Love with a simple showing up and demonstrating that the miracle works because we have the courage and clarity to bring the miracle. 

This is our own gift to ourselves and to the world.

We don’t have to have any belief that sacrifice is valuable and necessary because we feel so full with God’s Love when we accept God’s mercy for ourselves. 

When we feel aligned with God and wonderful in our minds, we have no reason for and no draw to sacrifice.

When we are in our certainty and exuding the abundant Love energy of God, we are clear in our own intention that we don’t need to do anything that is on such a desperate scale as sacrifice. 

When we feel and experience the abundance of God, there is no single scarcity place within us that tells us sacrifice is in any way necessary.  We don’t even entertain the idea because we see that God gives us plenty because He loves us.  God gives us all the mercy because He cares that we are healed of any attack thoughts within or without.

We don’t need to make sacrifice real in association with needing to get God’s Love in some way because God has already has volunteered to give us everything we need.


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