ACIM Lesson 358

Lesson 358: “What am I?”  “No call to God can be unheard nor left unanswered, and of this I can be sure; His answer is the one I really want.”

The Course teaches us to have faith.

We are learning to grow our faith in an increasing way all the time. 

When we exist as humans, we often have an inner dialogue- in our minds.  The ego makes commentary about everything without fail.  That commentary is generally filled with excessive judgement and distaste.  This is always disrupting our peace of mind as well as being an energy drainer.

The Course is teaching us to intervene with forgiveness in our minds when the ego is filled with an inner loathing- as judgement.

We are asked to forgive this and just step in with the power of God’s clarity and kindness. 

With acceptance, we release the ego rigidity that everything must be just so.  We are asked to give all of this judgement to God’s altar.

We give it back to God in an act of total serenity- releasing the ego’s rigid grasp with the gentle, kind Presence of God’s Love and Will.  

The Course teaches that God always has a perfect plan in motion, and therefore, whatever judgement the ego makes is all unnecessary suffering on our parts when we are confronted with it. 

The Course says that God is always making God’s Will into the form of our human lives on the earth.  There is never a moment this is not true because God is perfect and God’s Creation is also perfect.

Therefore, we can trust God. 

When we know the truth that God is always creating the best life possible for us, then we can release that judgment more quickly to God’s altar.

Our purpose is to grow our faith. 

When we realize that God always is accurately planning and executing our lives, then we can shift the ego criticism of everything into simply evaluating and gathering information. 

Therefore, we can stop suffering over the judgement we feel.  Since there is no reason for it, we can sit with our minds and realize that we can have peace there.

We just need to be willing to do it. 

We can have peace because we are always growing our faith into something that is rock solid.

We want faith that is as sturdy as a mountain and as pliant as a willow.

We are asked to sit with God and appreciate we have moments of resisting God’s plan in the form of judgement.

When we sit with God and see we are stuck in any way being open to God’s plan whatever that may be, we can get on our knees.

We just sit in that totally authentic moment with God where we get honest, and say what a hard time we are having. 

We will just sit there with God until we have a deeper serenity,

Give ourselves the time and space to be vulnerable with God because God knows exactly how to show us the way. 

We just need to keep going to God with that open heart that is open to being taught forgiveness and serenity.


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