ACIM Lesson 54

Lesson 54: Review: “I have no neutral thoughts.”  “I see no neutral things.”  “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.”  “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.”  “I am determined to see.”

This lesson says that all my thoughts have power. 

The beautiful thing is that they show us what is the nature of our thinking.

This is the most sure fire way of getting to the truth.

We see what we are thinking so it is automatic that we get the present moment projected out into the world and then we can evaluate correctly what is the essence of our thinking. 

This is our gift to ourselves.

We learn to know who we are and what is the foundation of energy and will in our minds.

We want to know when we are seeing the world as a disaster or when we are seeing the world as a miracle.

This can feel overwhelming at times when the world feels difficult, but let’s just let this be our subtle encouragement to take a different stand in how we think and feel. 

We are just learning to know who we are so we can change it with accurate information if we so desire.  Then we can be the person we have always wanted to be in behavior and action when we simply take notice about what is our base line energy.

This is our gift to ourselves.

The problem is when we forget to choose with God. 

We always end up with a nasty interpretation of everything when we are giving the ego our energy in initiating a path.

We can give God the power if we want to see the world that is filled with miracles. 

All we have to do is remember the world is a call for love. 

We then see that it appears to be lacking love, so we turn instantly and bring the miracle because we want to for ourselves and for the other people.

When we bring the miracle, our minds become soft and pliant again.

We remember that we are all in the world together and we all have the very same illusions. 

We just have to give up our attachment to the illusion and try to remember to allow God to permanently alter the illusion we see.

When we bring miracles, our minds completely light up. 

The illusion becomes a dream.

We simply wake up. 

This is why the miracle heals the lack of love we see in the world because we are letting God illuminate any belief in separation that any of us thought we had.  That belief in separation is why the world generally appears to be a lack of love scenario.

When we are in the presence of our miracle-mindedness, we can bring the memory that God never left our sides and thus, the separation never happened in the first place.

The beauty of the miracle is that it is for everyone and everyone benefits from it.

The miracle is our own simple reminder that nothing is ever wrong and that we can love everyone and ourselves because we are all worthy of this degree of love and dedication.


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