Laurie’s Positive Points: Allow curiosity to be the miracle in our relationships

Laurie’s Positive Points: “Allow our curiosity to be the miracle in our relationships.”  

Lots of us love to be in relationships with loved ones, souses and significant others, because we get to experience the joys of being a unit, and the joys of being in a partnership. 

Partners get to enjoy each other’s company. 

Relationships are fun because we get to practice sharing love in a large segment of our lives, while we learn about ourselves and our relationships along the way.

Lots of us look for relationships when they seem sparse in our lives, because of all the benefits that couples enjoy- in sharing all parts of ourselves with another, and getting to be seen in truth, which feels amazing when we feel noticed and seen. 

Relationships are amazing in some ways, but sometimes we end up feeling staid and stagnant in the relationship at times because everything we get used to, has the potential for becoming stale.  

We just need to see this when it happens, and just let it be. 

We are invited to not judge this and simply allow it to be however it looks. 

We get to be there within it, but also just sit quietly with it and witness it without judgement. 

One of the toughest dilemmas to rise above is to simply observe without judging. 

This is seemingly impossible, because it feels so difficult to both observe it while we simultaneously see it as not real.

We must simply allow the information to come into our consciousness without a shred of judgement.  

Our relationships with other people are definitely the situations that totally trigger us, because we see and hear and feel the other person, and our interactions are instantly jaded from the cool ego spin on judgement. 

We just need to realize how apparent this judgement is, and be willing to know it happens all the time. 

We just need to own this, and see it for what it is, and then step back and allow ourselves to rise energetically above it.

Judgement is definitely a low vibration, so we need to be willing to reconnect with our curiosity and kindness about it. 

The other people are always the targets of our judgment.

Our egos sail right past ourselves usually, because egos love to accuse everyone else. 

Just see this when it happens and stand up for the other person.  We want to rise above any amount of victim mentality, whether in other people or in ourselves.    

The curiosity is the pause in the constant barrage of judgement.  It gives us another option in the situation. 

Curiosity is never fixed and harsh like the ego, but rather the idea gives us space in our minds for possibilities. 

This is why curiosity always works to unkink our old habits of seeing other people the way we do.  

It allows us to be soft and gentle in the situation, and be open to allowing the Holy Spirit to interpret for us, and simply ask what is meant to happen in the situation. 

This then, brings about the miracle of forgiveness, because within it we are open to learning something new in the situation and in the relationship at hand. 

This instills a totally fresh perspective to any and everything.

There is going to be part of us rejecting this, because the ego is a fan of resisting everything. 

We just need to very gently approach this with an open mind and an open heart. 

We can make friends with this part of ourselves that we resist so adamantly, and give it voice to be acknowledged in whatever form it takes. 

Our practice can be to bless the resistance with Love.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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