Laurie’s Positive Points: We can take a deep breath and relax

Laurie’s Positive Points:  We can take a deep breath and relax that internal pressure.

The expert trick is how to get into a place of ease when we do things. 

Our egos have us on a repetitive loop that resumes with no provocation. 

We end up feeling that inner pressure where we believe we have to maneuver quickly or do some rash deed to liberate us from that sense of constraint. 

That is desperation.  Exclamation point!

The ego gets us all hyped up, like we are a boiling kettle about to burst, and we may feel like there is no way to change this. 

We can not quiet this level of intensity within ourselves, mind and body.  

We just need to be willing to open this flow within us that feels sealed off. 

Don’t we want to feel great? We can start with the simple noticing of our breath. 

We give our breath full license to exist and be full. 

Then we get to sit and totally luxuriate in our breath.  

Just ask the Holy Spirit when we breathe how we can come to a deeper understanding of lightness while we breathe, and trust that He will show us the way. 

We want to be able to own that luxury in breathing 

 We can even sit and feel how it is to feel righteous in claiming our breath. 

We all get to breathe, because that is part of being human, we are fortunate for the simple act of being able to breathe and sustain ourselves this way.  

But beyond this fundamental connection with breathing, we want to sit and really get into how lucky we are to be breathing. 

When we claim it, then we can get more into the attitude of certainty we are asked to have in the act of breathing. 

It is fun when we have something like breathing- fully and lightly- be something we look forward to and savor. 

Then, we have every reason in the world to celebrate, because we see how our breath feeds us in energetic, emotional and physical way, combined.  That is a gift, for sure.

We get into the breath and see how it feels. 

Then, we feel even better emotionally because we are getting in touch with the gratitude for it, and also we feel better physically because breathing is a quick and easy way to feed ourselves.  

It is also -one hundred percent- free of calories, so we can breathe without a speck of guilt.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture 


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