Miracles Lesson 363

Final Lessons: Miracles Lesson 363:

The Epilogue says, “God’s Angeles hover near and all about. His Love surrounds you and of this, be sure that I will never leave you comfortless.”    

 I love that the bottom line of the Course is that God loves us infinitely. God goes out of His way to make our lives superb.

The Course explains that God deems us sinless and innocent, so there would never be any retribution from God, such as punishment for our being sinful.

The Course explains that God would never do this because He deems us innocent no matter our transgressions. There is no need for our feeling guilty because we are clear, so the Course says that we are sinless, there is no reason to suffer, and we can say goodbye to guilt because there is no need for it, and guilt is the number one block to God’s Love.  

I am grateful the Course explains how God finds us innocent, so we do not ever go into guilt and never prevent the flow of God’s Love. The news about God in the Course is thrilling! 

 First, I love the sweetness of the Course explaining the nature of our relationships with God. God Loves us all so much. He says we are all innocent eternally.

But additionally, the Course goes on at length about how much God Loves us all.

The Course uses kind, gentle words to describe how much God Loves us so we can start to have a clue about how much God loves us over time with practice reminding ourselves. Let us begin now and take in fact about God as soon as possible.

Knowing that God would never leave us comfortless, I think, is a splendid explanation. I love the language here, and it helps me to believe it more when I hear this phrase.

 It is always a gift to end the Course at the end of the year because I know I will start it again next week. Doing the Course over and over helps me learn it better, so It is a gift to end and start it again.

The Course is a fun ritual. We get to keep doing it repeatedly, so we will not need to continue reading it. The Course says to throw out the book after you read to the end. Ideally, we learn from it and apply it so we do not have to continue doing it again if we do not feel called to do so. Listen closely to the inner prompts and follow them.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture 



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