Now available on Amazon as an ebook, or get your paperback version. Description of book Courageous Communication: A Handbook for Emotional Intimacy: unveils our hidden mind components that work together within emotional dynamics in our relationships. The book helps us understand more fully what are our own tendencies when communicating. Then with this increased awareness of our emotional inclinations we can more proactively choose what kind of verbal response we have in conversing with others. This enables us to be ever more conscious regarding the intention we create in emotional interchanges. We discover what kind of emotional specifics we want to put forth within our unique exchanges with others. Courageous Communication is a guidebook that gives a framework of a successful approach to communicating. It concentrates on the power of intention and how we can use our intention to change the way we think and behave in each exchange. A key idea in the book is forgiveness as a means for ascertaining a level of acceptance and peace. Courageous Communication describes ways to convey our wants and needs directly while we also maintain a sense of non-attachment. This intent produces a general harmony between verbal assertiveness and taking a quiet approach. The book teaches us to act and feel empowered and confident when we converse with others through establishing our own belief in the solid power of our worth as healthy and capable individuals.