Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 71: “Only God’s plan for salvation will work.”

The Course is giving us a direct route to salvation.  It is giving us the direct route to our inner peace.  We are learning to do something that works.  We are learning to choose a reality that works.  This means that our life can and will work when we choose God’s plan.  This means that all of our sorrows cease to exist because we are getting a life that works, even if we are currently living one that doesn’t.  Doesn’t matter how desperate we believe is the state of our lives, it is never too late to choose again and choose a reality that is our happiest dream come true.

We don’t have to lose faith in God’s process because it will always work if we do our part.  

This is the best of news.  Up until now we have just been perpetuating what feels like the ego’s nightmare.  This simply never works.  We need to get honest with ourselves.  The problem is that that inner honesty can feel like such an extraordinary chore.  It can feel like it is way too big a task than we want it to be.   This means that we can go for a long spell of time not going to that quiet and open place of honesty because it can feel frightening.  For lots of us, getting honest can feel like it comes with an attribute of vulnerability.  This can leave us sometimes in a panic even if on some level we think it is no big deal.

Being vulnerable can mean we are getting open with ourselves and we may have moments that feel hard to face in the sorting out and even in the simple witnessing of our inner workings.

♣We can feel avoidant of this inner awareness because it can feel too raw.  

This is surely a challenge that all of us have in getting honest.  We may want to be authentic and appreciate the honesty but it is generally also laden with some charge and may feel at times uncomfortable when we notice it.

This is definitely the time to pray to God to ask the Holy Spirit to sit with us in this process.

♥When we allow ourselves to be cradled in the hands of God, then we can feel safe in this process. 

♥This is the way to get to the place where we feel trust in our evolution of inner understanding. 

We just need to be certain to make sure we stay in conversation with God and allow ourselves to be taken care of by the love and compassion of God’s way.  God will be the buffer and solace that we need to simply get to a place of peace in the process of self understanding.  This means we are safe to just be present with what we see.

We just need to let God be our protector and closest ally.  We need to depend on God in a way that allows us to be buoyed up so we feel reassured.  Furthermore, we gain the gift of feeling empowered within ourselves as we make sure we are staying true to our own vigilance around choosing God’s agenda.  God has the perfect plan.  God says and demonstrates through His loving compassion- in the Course’s words- that He is giving us the very best of all circumstances.  God is giving us the perfect solution to anything we accidentally believed was wrong in life.

This is explained as God’s Love coming as the purpose of our salvation.  We have every problem solved in God’s simple commitment to the perfect sustaining of our minds in the world as the giving us salvation.  All we have to do is remember that we are the most beloved and graced children who have never fallen from grace.  Our innocence moves mountains because we are exactly as we are supposed to be.  This means we can sit in the absolute thrill of being alive in our humanness because we are given salvation.  Nothing can change that we are always worthy of living within the grandeur of God.  We are blessed because our memory of our perfection brings peace to every mind on the planet.  We can surrender any memory of fear because our salvation is wholly intact and we benefit from this in all the ways that are important.


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