Lesson 176: Review: “God is but Love, and therefore so am I.” “Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.”  “I am as God created me.”

The Course reminds us that there is plenty in God’s Universe.  

There is never a shortage of good will among brothers and sisters.

We just have to be prepared to look for it and expect it. 

When we do, then circumstances change dramatically. 

Suddenly the world becomes the out picturing of our expectation.  This is what the Course tells us repeatedly.

We can trust that good will is out there, and that we are blessed to have harmonious relationships with our brothers and sisters so that we have someone with whom we happily share the path right up to God.

This shared energy of God’s joining is the same as God’s powerful love and Will that shapes the Universe.  

That is why we want to make sure we are up for doing this.  We must check in with ourselves and make sure we are willing to play our parts in the scenario.

We want to actively make sure we are not harboring grievances about our brothers and sisters because this attack energy blocks definitely our connection with God’s Love and presence. 

We want to be eager and happy to join with our brothers and sisters because this is our ticket to God’s remarkable, open and powerful energy. 

That gives us our right to rest in God’s kingdom in the splendor of our salvation.  

We just need to get the grievances out of the way and then God does the rest.  God’s energy of joining in love with our brothers and sisters is the thing that makes us most light and happy and this is why we want to experience this.

God is capable and happy to share with us His exquisite energy that heals and feeds the masses in the most profound ways. 

We just need to be up for making sure we keep our own minds as clear and simple as possible so that we can let God in with the least amount of resistance.  Then we can just sit and enjoy how we feel in God’s energy because God wants us to feel the amazing perfection of His Will.

No matter how many times we may hear and feel ego responses in the world, we need to continue to stay above the battleground energetically and emotionally. 

We need to keep coming back with a willingness to heal our rifts.  

When we get judgmental and upset, then we sometimes get lost, and forget our alignment with God- where we are completely free and flowing in the channel of God’s purpose.

God just asks us to keep looking for the miracle. 

If we find ourselves in a mine field of unresolved drama then we step lightly and bring love and forgiveness. 

Just keep remembering no matter how advanced we may be in our remembering and practicing, this mine field is still bound to take place.

We just need to tread lightly with wings of God’s angels. 


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