Lesson 180: Review: “God is but Love, and therefore so am I.”  “By grace I live.  By grace, I am released.”  “There is no cruelty in God and none in me.”

The Course teaches us to live in grace. 

We get the love and favor from God because God decides that this is how He wants the Universe to work.

And it does. 

This means that we get all benefit from God’s blessing from simply doing nothing but acknowledging we are just as God wants us to be now and always.  This means we in no way must wait to get the gifts of living in God’s Kingdom that are meant to be ours now and always.  That means our whole life has shifted.  When we realize that God loves us infinitely then our certainty is easy to find and embody.  God’s certainty is ours when we simply stop and love that we have it in full in this moment.

Our life is a happy dream because we are gifted with God’s grace.

Then that means nothing can go wrong, because God redeems us in every way.  We can just enjoy the ride then.

The Course says that we want to not hide any parts of our lives from God.  We can systematically give it all to God in whatever way God guides us to do.  This means we surrender each part of our lives to God when we are allowing God to take charge of whatever direction we feel called in which to move.  We address our healing in whatever capacity is yet unhealed.   The Course says give it all to God.

This is the way to feel humble and certain at the same time because we give God all of the go ahead for how to proceed instead of relying on ourselves.  

When our minds are in such a clear energetic alignment when we feel humble and certain as God asks us to be, then the way we address healing various aspects of ourselves becomes crystal clear.  We don’t want to forget that God is listening and that God is here to show us the way.

We are learning to surrender any old ego plan in our minds and give God the complete package of our minds and selves. 

This is the way to be released in truth. 

When we allow this combination of certainty and humility mixed with the Course’s idea of grandeur then we feel so good, our release is imminent.  

There is no way we will get stuck when we remember God specifically asks for us to stay committed to surrendering that part of us that we don’t know what to do with.  Let it be rewritten by God because God knows how to bring healing.  All we need to do is get out of the way.  When we have clutter minds and excessive thinking this throws us off track.   The Course says give God our incessant need to control.


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