ACIM Lesson 215

Lesson 215: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.”  “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”

Lesson 195 says, “Gratitude is a hard lesson to learn for those who see the world amiss.”    

When we harbor our grievances, we are not in tuned with gratitude.

The idea of feeling gratitude may be nice in theory, but to our egos, we are not into the true practice of feeling gratitude if we are full of grievances within. 

When we have grievances, this is all attack energy and this blocks the flow to Love’s Presence. 

The grievance always disrupts our memory or recognition that gratitude is possible. 

The world seems like a sorry place indeed when the ego makes perception of it.

It seems like there are all kinds of things there to resist and try to avoid.

Ego led, we can find ourselves not able to feel the sweetness and openness of gratitude because the world seems like it is lined with drama, addictions, suffering, and death. 

It can be so hard to see through the nightmare and connect with some joy and lightness and appreciation for anything because it is all so stressful. 

The Course reminds us that we have this amazing tool of forgiveness. 

We can walk right into the nightmare, armed with our sword of forgiveness and heal it all, instead of avoiding it or suffering over it.  

Forgiveness is the only way to step through the puddles and get to that place of joining where we stop actively resisting loving our brothers and sisters. 

If we try to appreciate something and we can’t, the only thing to do is pray for guidance to the Holy Spirit, and, then, we add forgiveness to heal our hearts. 

When we forgive then we open to God’s purpose and this is our way home.


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