Lesson 335: “What is the ego?”  “I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.”

The problem is when we decide our brothers and sisters are sinful.

When we judge what we see around us, this leads us to an escalation of our inner attack thoughts.  This then leads us to our not wanting to connect and join with our brothers and sisters because we feel resistant to loving them. We harbor attack thoughts about what they have done.

The Course is teaching us that our brothers and sisters are always sinless.

This means there is no negative mark on their personality-trait-list. 

This means that they are perfect in all the ways that matter.  God deems them and all of us- that we are without sin and ultra worthy of God’s Love and dedication.

This matters because we need to be able to carry this knowing with us when we interact with others.  

If we instantly chalk them up to being those who do wrong, then we are resistant to being open to loving them.  When we block this flow of Love that is from God’s Source, then we will not get to experience the incredible saturation from this Love that comes to us as well when we are open to loving others.

We get the benefit always when we love other people. 

God’s Love goes right through us so we are all totally blessed in the position of extending love to our brothers and sisters.  

We learn in the Course how to treat with love people about whom we are upset.

We learn to sit in a neutral Love state when we are in conversation with those who push our buttons in significant ways. 

We learn that we must feel the love energy because this is what helps us be neutral and balanced when we are interacting with them.

When our own energy feels appropriate, then we are more likely to be able to speak for our needs to change the style of interacting with that person- to something else that feels more healthy and happy for us.  

We can show up and speak directly about getting to a new, more forgiving style of dialogue with that person who upset us.

Just keep coming back to that feeling of love and forgiveness in our hearts, even if we are sharing with that other that we feel bothered by what they said and did. 

This direct language helps them to get information about what didn’t work for us.

However, we also want- when we do that- to feel that there is an opening in the flow of Love of God.  

Just hold them in deep respect and realize they are coming from a different style of interacting.

Simply, appreciate that we are all learning how to relate and as best as we can.  We want to continue to sharpen our own clarity about what are our own wants and needs in the relationship.

We also want to communicate to them a feeling of gratitude for the unique nature of the other person’s communication style. 

And forgive when we don’t understand each other.


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