Lesson 6 Laurie’s Reflections

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lesson 6: “I am upset because I see something that is not there.”  This lesson says, “There are no small upsets.  They are all equally disturbing to my mind.”  The Course invites us to not settle.  In the world and in our ego thinking we are accustomed to accepting a partial solution.  We become a regular visitor to our insane mind because it seems like just a standard and unchangeable part of our existence.  Jesus teaches us here that what happens in our minds is entirely the problem.

We have to notice if there is even the slightest hint of stress and challenge within.  We have to take note of each little nuance in our intention.  When our mind gets the even flow ruffled in any way this entirely affects our peace of mind and affects are ability to live in constant joy.  We have big problems if our thinking is just a little off.  We do feel the effects of our insanity within if we simply stall at attending to these feelings.  We are stuck when we decide that this is just a little disturbance and thus doesn’t deserve the time and attention it needs to be adequately given to God in our willingness to allow God to heal it.

This is the essence of our misery when we don’t simply make space in our minds and allow God to sweep in and attend to this fluctuation in our energetic levity.  We need to pay attention to these smallest of hints of difficulty.  We need to simply sit with them and allow them to be rifts in the smoothness of the glass we see.  Further, they need to be loved and cared for in a way that will feed them so the problem within them will become instead filled with the Light and Love of God.

We need to be willing to give our minds the space they need to resolve these little upsets.  We need to have compassion for ourselves that this little disturbance in the flow of the perfect energy of God happens.  And since they do, what we can do is not try to deny them and shove them under the ego’s rug.  We want to allow them to heal- to allow them to come to the surface of our minds where the healing within arises to meet the memory of God.  We just have to remember that our purpose is to see the small upsets and forgive them.  We need to remember that we are human and this is what humans do.

We ask God how to forgive this and we sit and receive the answer that God is happy to share with us.  We forgive this first because it is part of how we deal with these.  We forgive first and then bring these upsets to the altar of God so God can show us how to stay persistent in our choosing thoughts that rather make sense with the will of God.  This is the way to remember that our emotions are simply the ground where we learn how to have peace within.  This is part of the process in our practice of sitting in our certainty and allow any error in thinking be redone.  Then our heart is free to get to God and get to the good stuff.


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