Saturday, April 4, 2015

Lesson 94: “I am as God created me.”

The Course asks us to simply learn to remember one question.  That is, “From where do I come?”  We simply need to be willing to ask for the truth of us to be known.  Then, when there is enough willingness within us to simply inquire and make the slightest indication that we as the ego mind don’t actually know what we are, then we open up for some new awareness.  The ego always plays a game of chance.  It guesses and then flubs up the answer.  It makes near misses in the dark because it has no idea how to perceive ourselves.  The ego doesn’t have the slightest idea.  It puts on a show that  makes us believe the worst about us or it claims some high identity that is equally based on false truths.  No matter what it asserts, it is always based on lies and inventions.

When we allow ourselves to ask the question, this is the first step to changing our minds.  When we don’t remember to ask, then we assume we are nothing more than the ego.  Then we can go a very long time without looking back and completely lose sight of who we are with God because we forget God’s way.  Ultimately we want to simply know all the time that we are simply and totally directly produced by God.  Therefore, we can necessarily conclude that we also contain all of God’s traits, as would any child of a loving and generous parent.  This is what we need to learn so we stay in God’s certainty all the time that we are perfectly lovable.
What happens when we lose sight of this absolute truth, is we can start to get off kilter emotionally and energetically because we start to perceive wrongly.  When we are temporarily off the beam of God we simply need to be open to asking the question then about who we believe we are and if we are happy to be aligned with this truth.  Then it will necessarily follow that we will be led back to God because we have asked the question about what is our origin.

Know that our experience in the world is perfect because God is always directing the show even if we forget for a heart beat.  Have faith that all we do is for the best of the purpose of the greater good.  Remember to wash away any anxiety we might feel about whether we are perceiving with God.  Accept that there is never a problem even if we get misaligned.  Then forgive ourselves and rejoin with the memory of God.


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