1-25-15 Lesson 25 Laurie’s Reflections

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Lesson 25: “I do not know what anything is for.”

We are learning here how to get out of the way.  We must learn to see everything from the perspective of a question.  We must question God saying “What is this for?”  We need to stay in the investigating state where we are open to learning something new.  The ego is the master at maintaining the status quo.  The ego does not like any movement or change or growth.  The ego basically tells us that it knows the answers and has a pat answer about any questioning we might do within the world.  The ego wants us to not ask questions because then we will not rock the boat or make some kind of step toward the inner freedom of surrendering the ego’s need to know every last detail.

When we ask the question it puts us into the threshold of God.  When we inquire we assume both the humility and the certainty that we don’t know and that God does.  When we accept our function, it is that we know our worth as the beloved child of God that is perfect.  Within this perfection we must practice the art of not knowing.

It is possible to be in the state of asking God how to perceive something, so acknowledging we don’t know the grand scheme of what is the purpose of it.  This makes us aligned with God.  When we admit we don’t know we are simultaneously perfect because this is the way God wants us, in the energy of receiving the answers to our Godly inquiries.  When we admit that we are not in the full knowing of what something is for, this puts us in the flow of the Devine of God’s energy because we aren’t holding on so tightly to the ego’s view.  When we question, we allow the ego to be upended.


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