Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lesson 361: “This holy instant would I give to You.  Be you in charge.  For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.”

I like the last five lessons especially because we are left a little more to doing our own thing.  The message is “DO ANYTHING, WHATEVER WORKS, AND DO IT WITH GOD.”

We are invited again to do away with our attachment to words.  The ego is used to telling stories and stories have words.  We get so used to having words to make sense of things and fill in the gaps.  The Course continues to teach us that words have moments of helping when it helps us to undo our insanity.  The words of the Course for example generally lead us in the right direction.  Let’s use words when we don’t know how to get to God.  Let’s use words when it’s seems obvious and simple.  It’s a blessing to use words when they help us get out of our own way.

But let’s learn to release our grip on the words that help shape our path.  Let’s know that words are not ever going to give us anything except occasional help to stop making problems.  Then we can forgive words for leaving us not exactly to our goal.  Forgive them and then let them go.  We can then just sit in the quiet of connection with God.  When we surrender our need to fill our minds with words then we can listen in the stillness of God.  This is the most sacred place because it is where we meet our Maker which is the holy instant we came here to experience.

Let’s take seriously this time of getting quiet within because it is the closest step in our path to God.  This is the beautiful place where we find our forgiveness for our apparent failures, and connection with our holiness which has never left us.  We also find the place of perfect joining with our God Who asks us to do nothing but remember from where we came.

After this year long of doing the Course we can celebrate that we are much closer to the  joyous joining that God asks us to live.  We now are much clearer about how forgiving is from our God and we can bask in the certain happiness of His love that is forever our gift.  We celebrate we know that God’s voice is ever ready within us to guide through every stop in our path.  We never have to worry.  We can take Godly pride in the amazing work we have done to learn greater willingness to get to the depths of our hearts.  These are grateful to be met with the healing of God’s love.


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