Sunday, March 8, 2015
Lesson 67: “Love created me like Itself.”
The Course is all about Love and the way to love and be loved. The beginning of the Course says, the meaning of Love cannot be taught because this is simply experienced. But the Course exists to teach us how to remove the blocks to love. We are taught what is ideal love is of the Course’s version of our Maker. We simply need to unlearn or remember that this old way of defining love never existed.
What strikes me about this lesson is that God is wholly love and secondly that we are only love as well because we are the direct byproduct of God. We have to let go of any former confusion that God is out to get us because God is vengeful and gets happy when we are suffering. Jesus in the Course wants us to repaint this picture. God is not cruel or out to make us pay for our inevitable sin.
Not only is God not at all punitive and attacking as a reaction to our behavior, God is in fact, the most loving, thoughtful, clear, easy to please God that we could ever imagine. God is not just not going to fight with us, but he is loving us with a gentle, warm, consistent embrace. God’s love is what we can love always because it doesn’t condemn us or make us the enemy. God brings only peace in His wake.
The other thing is that we are built in God’s image. This is impossible to believe from the ego’s standpoint. The ego says that we are sinners, deserve to be punished, that we have fallen from grace. The ego has lots of way to express this. The bottom line is the ego asserts vehemently that we are not good enough to receive such quality of love that God is offering and that God is.
This can feel tragic to not feel good enough to accept that God is happy to love us. Then we just can’t get the ego out of our way when we can’t stop the ego’s insistence that we are not good enough to be God’s chosen ones. This is why we have to do our part to be vigilant to change our view of ourselves. Otherwise we will be stuck living in perspective of the illusion of our nightmare of ourselves. We have to hold this in our hearts until our hearts stop bucking it away.