Lesson 108: “To give and receive are one in truth.” 

This lesson says, “This is the light that shows no opposites, and vision, being healed, has the power to heal.”

The Course is teaching us about what is truly powerful.

God’s energy is a supreme love that is so pure that it contains no opposites. 

It has ultra strength because there is no contrary energy in it.

God’s power is so extraordinary because it is wholly aligned and therefore, there is nothing opposing it in any way. 

God’s power is so supreme that it has a perfect energy that is beyond what we can imagine with our limited vision.  

The Course is reminding us that God’s vision is available to us all the time.  We just need to understand that the power of God’s light to illuminate everything is out of our typical realm of understanding because we generally have the ego’s vision.

The Course takes much effort in simply opening our eyes about the extraordinary nature of God. 

We simply have no idea, because our experience of being human is considerably limited, and therefore, we have no experience upon which to make the leap in understanding that something else could be so incredible that we can’t believe. 

The Course specifically invites us to simply open our eyes to the idea that we have limited thinking, and that we generally have no idea at all how limited we think we are.

This simple waking up of our consciousness is the way we get to the next step of changing our thinking and then, we can sit in a peaceful state as a result. 

The Course is our wake up call.

We are asked simply to listen to this call and sit with it until it sinks in.

The other amazing thing that the Course does for us is reminds us how powerful we are as individuals, created in God’s image. 

The Course says that our vision has infinite power when we simply align it with God.

The power we have when we simply let God’s energy be ours is unlimited because it is healed. 

Anything that is healed is, of course, whole.  Therefore, it matters that we heal ourselves as well.

Anything that is perfectly healed is especially energetically powerful because it has the energy of God.  

That is why it works beyond what we can imagine.

Thus, it is important for us to stay on the task of clearing our minds of grievances and fear and and any thought that is not of God. 

This is the way for us to simply reconnect with that part of us that is already healed, because we then have the inner space to acknowledge this, and sit with awareness that we have it.


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