ACIM Lesson 11

Lesson 11: “My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaninglessworld.”

This lesson says, “Be glad indeed to practice the idea in its initial form, for in this idea is your release made sure.  The key to forgiveness lies in it.” 

The Course has this magical way of restructuring the world and our perception of it.  

This is for our ultimate liberation.  We just need to be willing to take necessary steps.

The world does its thing- inevitably seemingly presenting us with woes galore.  We are asked to see the world  anew.

Even if the world’s circumstances do not change, the big thrill is that our minds change. 

That’s when the party starts because we are open to forgiving the world, and being light about it, instead of getting more grumpy about it. 

The Course teaches that everything in the world has a fresh perspective, if we allow our minds to take the trip- which is the miracle- necessary to get to love and forgiveness. 

Our minds have all the power there is to affect us.  We just need to own this reality.

The world seems like it can take force and make us suffer to no end.  But this is just the ego’s thinking. 

We are given the information here that the world is unreal and therefore it is meaningless. 

Since the world is meaningless, then everything can be written on it as new instead, and we can see and  live full time miracles. 

This meaninglessness part is the initial setup in getting us to that place where we let everything be different than we thought. 

The problem with our egos being within us is that they speak forcefully most of the time, and the ego’s bottom line is that things are set as they are.

It turns out that we can instead realize that there is nothing outside of us that we didn’t create with our minds with our thinking. 

Coming to the awareness that everything is meaningless allows us to just halt.  We take a step back; we just sit and assess.

Then, we can realize that since things don’t have meaning, we can rather more fully allow everything to be open to suggestion about what they truly mean.

This starts our questioning of the ego which gives us the green light to get somewhere better than the ego.

If we don’t end up somewhere along the way with the simple awareness that nothing has meaning, then we get attached to the world and all we see. 

The Course reminds us to give God permission to dictate our own personal story, and realize that because things don’t have meaning in themselves, then we can stop agonizing over the world.

Then we give ourselves permission to laugh and play.

The meaningless factor allows us to receive information from the world and make sure we are totally out of ear shot of the ego’s view. 

That meaninglessness is our ticket out of the nightmare of our collective egos, because it gives us permission to rewrite our story without our ego’s love for drama. 

We can surrender it all in the little mind trick we make to get to the miracle. 

When we allow the world to be meaningless, then we allow it all to be just gentle wind from the world, instead of a hurricane that tortures us.  

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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