Lesson 112: Review: “Light and joy and peace abide in me.” “I am as God created me.”
The word “abide” is quite perfect here.
It means, “to continue without fading or being lost.”
To continue without fading: that means that this is forever, and never will have a hint of disappearing.
The moment we put anything in the world, the disintegration of that thing begins strait away and continues until it totally disappears, however long that takes.
This means everything in the world is impermanent and is simply in the process of falling apart as we sit here and breathe. There is NOTHING we can count on there to be sustainable over time.
This can be a real shock to the ego.
The ego likes to fake that it can weather the storms and tells us a pretty story about all that the ego will give us if we just settle for whatever it offers.
This is depressing to say the least because it totally stinks.
When there is no foundation in our lives and in our minds upon which to function, and rest when necessary, then, we fall apart.
We must have some stability to have a truly easy life and to be able to function to at least a limited degree.
We just need to stop looking to the world and the ego to be a solution that works.
Since the world has nothing to offer us, we want to simply stop looking there.
One of the hardest parts about changing our relationship with God and the world and creating a more peaceful mind in the process is that we have a hard time making the effort to get out of the way.
We are part of the solution.
We must be the one who chooses, and this can be frightening, and frustrating, and quite perplexing.
We may get stuck and not know how to forgive our process when we find ourselves there.
Forgiveness is all we need to get the process going again.
When we get stuck, our minds are like glue, and we just sit and stare at the ego, without a thought about how to get to God.
The problem is that we don’t know how to get the ego out of our minds.
The Course reminds us to ask God at every turn how to teach us to forgive.
Ask God to show us how to access that willingness to get up and try again.
The perfect solution is always within us because God is ever available, and never, ever tires from helping us.
For God- helping us is the best part of His day because He cherishes us so.
The Course gives us our God- as the permanent Entity who takes care of us in every way. God can absolutely be counted on because God is perfect and wills for the Universe to be as it is.
Therefore, every amount of suffering we experienced before, at the hand of the ego, simply disappears. And it disappears completely.
There is no trace of that suffering because God’s energy and purpose is so perfect and whole and healed that God’s energy actually heals us completely.
That means we stop suffering over anything, and we can simply get out of the nightmare.