ACIM Lesson 114

Lesson 214: Review: “I am spirit.”  “I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.”

The Course says that the only problem is that we forgot to laugh. 

This is the solution to everything.

We see the world, with all of its strife and adversity and constant trials that seem to escalate no matter how much clear effort we make to keep them at bay.

We witness that this process never stops to any real degree in the picture as we see it.  The world appears to be a nightmare; over and over, it feels like the world is out of control and has not a clue how to truly remedy this.

The array of our problems make it seem like we have an infinite variety of problems, and they seem to increase while we work hard to prevent them from being over the top of what we can manage. 

We just need to appreciate the world will give us a frightened and angry picture if we look at it with ego’s vision.  The world will give us countless problems that make us cringe when we see one more coming our way.

The problems appear as different, and with a variety that shocks us because the all seem incredibly complicated and too hard to change in any significant way.  

The ego plays this picture over and over as a video in our minds.  No matter how different all the problems are, the Course says they are all the same.

We just feel guilty because we thought we separated from God, but this truly is an error. 

God would never do such a thing, because God’s will- to be forever united with us in will and purpose and in love is a sure thing and a done deal.  

Therefore, we never have to worry about anything when we have moments of feeling worried or stressed about anything.

The most important thing to do in this case is sit back and reassess the situation with the Holy Spirit’s perspective instead.  

Just remember that we have no problems at all because the Course says that truly the only problem we could ever have is if we got left behind by God.

But this would, never, ever happen because God loves us tremendously and is completely dedicated as our Source and the provider of our inheritance of God’s energy and essence. 

We don’t have to worry about this in any way because God is perfect, and therefore, has no need to disappear from the relationship we all have with Him, that is totally stable and forever tenable.

Since our connection with God is absolutely certain and consistent, then we can relax. 

God said the separation never happened, and this was the only problem we ever thought we had.

But it turns out this was all a huge error that we can erase this moment. 

That means everything can be light and easy. 

When we know how much God loves us then all the other challenging incidences in the world simply pale in comparison.

Whatever we though was crazy difficult, suddenly has real perspective when we realize that God is always with us, taking care of us,  and is entirely devoted in being our beloved deity.  

We have old news still within us- this is that ego part of us that makes us take everything so seriously when we perceived that there was any real threat in the world.

We learned that all of this stuff that rattled us completely was simply because we were in watching the wrong movie. 

Now all we need to do is see that everything in the movie theater we are currently in is actually totally hysterical. 

We went to see the horror flick by accident.

We got ourselves to the wrong show.  When we do that, the best thing to do is simply play about it all.

There is nothing there but characters in a movie, and we are there to observe and simply allow ourselves to giggle ourselves to awakening, where we are light, because we remember our minds are above the battleground.


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