ACIM Lesson 158

Lesson 158: “Today I learn to give as I receive.”

This lesson says, “The time is set already.” 

The Course teaches us to understand time and our our functioning here in a different way.  Jesus says that time is not real in truth and so we need to loosen how we understand the way time works.  Part of us must release old ideas of time so we don’t feel stuck by the limitation of time while we live here.  The Course says the end of time is set already.

Our final destination is our memory that we never left the heart of God in our dream of separation. 

Actually in one sense of time, this final destiny has already occurred because God knows this will happen and on some plane of reality this has already happened.

There is only the present; and the future and past themselves are unreal. 

We can sit in the final moment of the Universe as God’s purpose is completed, as well as it is in this moment, even if it looks to our human perspective that it is yet undone.  We are just reminded that we don’t need to hold time in a linear way.

We can appreciate that it is accomplished already even though it appears to be yet undone.  

The Course wants us to understand that God’s purpose of our salvation and our remembering we never left the Mind of God has already been done on some level even if we don’ t think we see this with our eyes.  We must accept that God’s purpose for our salvation is already finished and therefore, we don’t linger in any moment that seems we are not connected with God.

When in our human form we decide that God is not meeting us now in this final Godly plan then we feel that God is not accessible for us.

It seems rather, in some way that God’s joining with us will be in the future so we feel yet joined with His extraordinary energy. 

This is why the Course cares that we know God’s will for us is already done now. That is why all we have to do is sit and enjoy it.  When we allow it to be accomplished already then we don’t endlessly put it off in some hopeful future.  We more readily can accept it in the moment if we realized God did this before and is doing it now so there is no reason not to simply take the next step and accept it now.

The Course teaches us that time is already finished in some plane even if we don’t see it that way now.  We learn that time is arbitrary.  We see these happenings occurring and we can’t imagine there is truly a rhythm to the rhyme.  It looks like a lot of random occurrences.

The ego often assumes it is all a big guessing game of what will be next because life experiences are all peppered with what seems like good and bad. 

Nothing seems to be guaranteed pleasant.  The Course says that this may seem to be so on the surface.  The world seems to neither be logical or helpful.

The Course teaches us to rethink our view of our circumstances.  God is fully in charge of all we see.

Nothing happens without the direct intervention of God. 

God is precisely choosing the series of events in our lives to give us exactly the formula for the equation of the making our personalities what we need for our higher good.

God knows all and God gives us the exact remedy we need to formulate a perfect ointment to cure all our hearts’ yearnings.

God absolutely gives the plan that is most appropriate for what we need to encounter our lives with a blazing path of empowerment and bravery. 


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