Lesson 161: “Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.”
This lesson says, “”One brother is all brothers. Every mind contains all minds, for every mind is one.” The Course includes all of us in the reference to “Son of God.” When the Course says Son this includes all of us in the Sonship. All people are equally included.
The Course’s message says the “Son of God” refers to all of us as it is talking about the energetic connection we share with all people.
Since we are united energetically when the Course refers to one Son, we can presume from that that this includes all of us.
The Course also doesn’t use inclusive language when it refers to all people in the term “Son.”
This ideally could be written in a way that is gender neutral as women may appreciate hearing pronouns that refer to women.
For some it may feel like women are then are not included in the Sonship. Unfortunately, with the nature of our language as it is at this point, we don’t have anything like gender neutral pronouns. At least when this was scribed it was already totally pushing the boundaries in culture to accept its more far out concepts.
It is hard enough to get people to read it with the other qualities that make it hard to do, like our being asked to be totally vigilant in the learning practices as well as totally transforming the way we approach all parts of life.
Jesus wants the Course to be understood and adopted in practice because Jesus cares about our peace of mind. He gave us the best way He could think of at this time to do that in the Course given our modern day culture.
Probably coming up with some language that had not been adopted yet by the common culture would make the Course harder to understand than it already is and then people would be averse to it because it may have seemed really foreign.
We can’t possibly know exactly why Jesus didn’t do things otherwise in sending the script to Helen Shucman the scribe. Our job is to forgive this and allow it to be something we make peace with because the Course is simply imperfect as all parts of living as humans are.
Just forgive it enough to allow us to not miss the message of the Course which is the best lesson about how and who to Love through God’s grace and purpose.
This lesson says, “It seems to be the body that we feel limits our freedom, makes us suffer, and at last puts out our life. Yet bodies are but symbols for a concrete form of fear.” It says that fear without symbols calls for no response. This means that love has and needs no symbols because it is true.
This means we must stop attaching our fear to the bodies that we have.
Our bodies are useful for doing God’s will on earth at this time.
The body is the thing we can use for good or for evil according to the way we approach using it.
The Course wants us to see the body as neutral.
A typical way for the ego to operate is to attach fear to what our body is doing and make our bodies a vehicle for fear. This occurs when we make a response to the ego’s insanity in the form of fear. The Course says sit back and do nothing. Let the will of God be done in silence and certainty of our lovability. We just need to get out of our habit of making fear real and projecting it onto our bodies. This is always the way to live in hell, our nightmare.
The body needs a simple wish for its abundant health and prosperity.
We are learning to give up our need to make fear what drives our bodies in the ego’s reality.