ACIM Lesson 164

Lesson 164: “Now we are one with Him Who is our Source.”

We are learning to undo our internal resistance. 

We all start with an innocence about us that is unchangeable.   That means we always are perfect exactly as we are.  There is nothing wrong with time or place because we are always God ordained dropped into exactly the right situation for us to be involved with.  All we must do is get to that inner knowing that our Essences are exceptional- and perfect-  as we are.

That means we must let go of any amount of inner conflict we have.  

The Course says that when our actions and words and intentions are not aligned, this always causes conflict within. 

The Course instructs us to make whatever effort needed to align all of ourselves within.

Also, we align ourselves with God energy because this is the only way for us to be in the position where we can be optimally functional in the world because we feel good. 

We have a resistance that is off the map because our ego’s like to make extremes and escalate drama.

This is why we are asked to have compassion about our human condition.  The Course says that we can forgive ourselves when we forget how to surrender dancing with the ego.

We focus on letting ourselves off the hook with God’s purpose. 

We forgive and also work at being vigilant about our task of choosing our thinking.  This discipline is the cornerstone of how we must operate in the world.  Functioning is optimal when we are willing to make our own concerted effort to engage in practices that will discipline us at least down the line even if we think we can not manage it in the moment.

The discipline is the groove we make in our behavior that allows us to be so practiced in choosing our thinking that we don’t forget.

Or if we forget, then we can get back on beam quite easily. We can get good at thinking with God because we do it all the time. 

We have the way to engage with God always with enthusiasm because we have learned how great it feels.  When we learn to love it, it all becomes simple as can be.  Slowly this process becomes easier and happier.

This lesson says, “We stand forgiven in the sight of Christ, with all the world forgiven in our own.”  The Course teaches us that we are totally worthy of being forgiven all the time.  The ego likes to make forgiveness too distant to reach.  The ego puts us all on the cross and we hang out there and suffer because the ego tells us this is the most we deserve.  The Course cares that we get that we are perfect, that means adequately worthy- no matter what.

We can just let those egos’ crosses which we claim our own crucifixion simply disappear.  

Any notion that we are not up to par is a grave error that we can laugh at.

We allow it to disappear in our moment of sanity when we see that God decided otherwise about us. 

This means that we deserve forgiveness.  The problem is always that we think we can’t forgive ourselves specifically.  Often it is easy to forgive others but we can be especially cruel to ourselves inwardly when no one is listening to us but God.  The Course teaches us that all of what appear to be sins are simply mistakes and we can undo them with nothing but the thought that we were wrong.  Then we can stop crucifying ourselves.  The loving thing to do is to see when we make an error it is simply a call for love.  This is why forgiveness always works to change our minds about ourselves.

The other thing we must do is forgive the world.  The Course says the world is unreal and therefore, there is technically nothing out there but me and God.  The world is simply a reflection of our own thinking projected outwardly.

We must simply understand that this is another way to see our own issues projected out into the world and then deal with them with God. 

This is always the way to resolve any amount of attack thought- which is inner conflict.

1 Comment
  1. Bob 8 years ago

    We all start with an innocence about us that is unchangeable. Laurie, you always find the right word, especially today.

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