Lesson 18: “I am not alone in the experiencing the effects of my seeing.”

This lesson says, “The idea for today is another step in learning that the thoughts that give rise to what we see are never neutral or unimportant.” 

Our thoughts are always packed with judgement.  We never come to the picture at hand with any amount of neutrality because the basis of the ego, which is the primary voice within us, is consistently needy. 

The ego is always on the brink of a break down, and complaining because the ego just wants to affirm its own existence.  

This is the only reason that our egos speak so loudly- and they are nearly deafening.  

The ego is always in the midst of the problem- whatever that may be.  We just need to own that the ego is within us complaining to the max. 

Because the ego is needy, energetically, emotionally, and physically, the ego acts out, and this is never pleasant.

The ego is in cahoots with that part of us that believes in scarcity.  We just need to realize this for what it is. 

The ego is always in mid process of trying to convince us that the ego is not being the nightmare that it is. 

We just need to wake up and see this.

Because the ego feels needy, this is necessarily in conjunction with being in a state of lack of Love, and therefore, it is missing God’s Energy.

The ego is always operating with less, and accordingly acts from this low level consciousness. 

Thus, we just need to appreciate this for the truth it is, and not try to hide this truth from our awareness.  

The ego is always in a state of needing Love, because this is the basis of the ego, and so it is always true. 

We just need to appreciate that our thinking is the foundation for all of our behavior- our words and actions. 

We just need to own how significant our thinking is, in the making of our reality.  

Energy creates form in the world, and God’s world, and so we must simply see this for what it is. 

Our thinking is always generating things in our existence. 

Nothing is unimportant because it all results in manifesting of our existence. 

The truth is that we are all graced with the magnificent capacity, and the reality of making the world from our thoughts.

Our thoughts are projected out and therefore we have an awesome responsibility to assume.

We just need to be willing to show up, in empowerment, in our making the world through our thinking. 

We need to be open and willing to a more careful and conscious selection of our thoughts.

When we do this, then the world becomes a party, and the happy dream comes true, because we are willing to choose how and what we think.

The ego jumps to complain about that responsibility, saying that will take a lot of time and effort. 

But the truth is that it requires reasonable amounts of effort. 

We just need to understand the awesomeness of the fact that nothing comes neutrally, and that we can take a healing step in the process of our perception. 

We can interject something beautiful, and appropriate, and happy, instead of the moment’s expression of lack of Love.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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