Lesson 209: Review: “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.” “I feel the love of God within me now.”
Lesson 189 says, “To feel the Love of God within you is to see the world anew, shining with innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love.”
This lesson reminds us that we can’t see the world as the ego proclaims it, with the decay and death and deterioration as well as see the world in Godly perspective where the world is absolutely filled with light with happy realities.
We have the whole lot of goodness when we allow God to be the lens through which we see everything. The Course reminds us of the sinister and threatening picture we make of the world when we let the ego perceive how we see it. The world establishes our nightmare so exceedingly far beyond our typical understanding we can’t even fathom it. The Course says that we must realize that the world is the worst of our nightmares when we let the ego rule.
We need to be willing to bring this to our awareness.
We must make sure we are not conveniently denying the ego’s usurping our power in the ego’s attempt to overtake control when we are not attending diligently.
The Course says- notice fully the way the ego tries to deceive us so we won’t even pay detailed attention to what is happening.
We actually won’t even be able to perceive the other choice when we make an emphatic choice about the one we want to be our guide.
We have no capacity to see beyond what we choose. If we are entertaining the world’s drama and engaging in the world’s terrible pity and friction we will see only the darkness in the world. We simply can’t see both. The Course reminds us that our task is to realize we must choose only one or the other.
When we choose both it is like choosing nothing at all because our system internally is not sure of which way to go because we have multiple intentions.
We must be clear within about what we want and then make the single choice for a single direction. When we do this our minds are clear enough to have a single intention. Then, as a result, we will be able to make the actual changes we want. When we refuse to align our intention and behavior then what we can do in the world is definitely quite askew. We can’t be effective this way because we are not projecting clarity into the world.
This lesson says, “You will look upon that which you feel within.” The Course is teaching us to pay attention to what we are feeling and thinking and choose them repeatedly- as a habit to sustain. When we do this, then everything we look upon will feel the same as we perceive it as we see internally.
If we see the Love of God within us, and bring it to the world in terms of our projecting how we feel, then the world will also seem light and happy.
When we let our inner world be happy, no matter what we see outwardly in the world, it will also become nothing other than the happy dream.
When we feel strongly within us that we feel the peace of God and we let our mind be miracle ready all the time, then the world changes as well. Even if the picture of the world doesn’t change, our perception of the world will become a happy experience because we feel it in our minds and hearts.
Our projection out into the world also becomes nothing but our best expression of what we like because we make it real when we feel it within ourselves.