Lesson 217: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.”  “It can be but my gratitude I earn.”

Lesson 196 says, “Deny your strength and weakness must become salvation to you.” 

The Course reminds us that God is the decider of who and how we are.

God gives us our attributes because God is the supreme ruler and makes decisions about how we are. 

Therefore, we can appreciate that the attributes God selects for us make us perfect.  In the Course, God specifically says we are strong.  We often hear in religions that strong people oppress others and boss people around and are unjustly and unpleasantly arrogant.

The Course very clearly spells out that we are strong in God’s certain way, not in an inappropriate way.  

Our strength comes from God because God wills it, and God says that this strength is based on God’s own energetic, perfect alignment which gives the strength its power. 

The ego’s strength is where the ego bosses people around and is demanding and unwieldy.  The Course reminds us that when we have God’s strength, it is absolutely perfect, in that it helps us to function in the world from a place where we feel worthy of all great things and worthy of utter abundance.

We feel worthy of God’s energy flowing through us and supporting us where we are called to bring miracles because this is God’s will. 

The strength is so helpful and heathy for us that we then have the power to do all that God wants for us to do in our human experience- to learn and do all we are meant to do. 

This power of God sustains us.

We just need to appreciate that God gives us this strength to be that backbone within us that elevates us above the battleground. 

Then, we don’t need to rely on the ego for that false arrogance and false elevation.  It is not true and not real.

The Course asks us to appreciate that since God wills for us this perfect strength in the form of our certainty, then, it is true and present with us all the time. 

The only problem is when we deny this.  The ego is big into pretending the truth is not true.  The Course reminds us to simply notice this when the ego gets away with it, and reel the ego in for some clear instruction that the ego is not the one we want to rely on.

The other problem is that when we listen to the ego we end up getting into an inappropriate relationship with the things the ego is attached to.

The ego clings to everything and makes demands about instituting its own insane reality in our lives.

The Course says God is our perfect source of strength and the only problem is when we deny this reality and jump into the ego’s plan instead. 

Then, the problem is that the ego is so stilted it often becomes wrongly invested into the weakness we demonstrate.

The ego goes out of its way to carry this weakness on and strengthen it by giving it brain energy and mental focus.

The ego actually goes out of its way to glorify weakness because it is of the same energy of the ego and so the ego wants to reinforce this.

The problem is that the ego makes a situation where weakness is desired far more than we want and we crave it in an unhealthy way.

It becomes an obsession. 

The ego is best at distorting everything. 

This is how it manages to get weakness into the position where we idolize it.  It is inappropriate but familiar so we often let this go without complaint.


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