Lesson 246: “What is the world?”  “To love my Father is to love His  Son.”

We don’t want to exclude anyone from our love receiving role. 

The ego always plays favorites, and our ego has the illusion that we can love some people and not others.

The Course reminds us that Love is energy and when we love one person, we love all because everyone feels the effect of being loved. 

Even if it doesn’t look obviously that way.  The ego makes loving seem like an afterthought, not a given.  Our egos make love seem small and insignificant and therefore, can be given to only few because of lack of resources in love.  Thus, the ego is bent on selecting those very few people who live up to the standard of being worthy of being loved.  The ego makes getting love erratic and rare at best.  The ego acts as it we can’t offer love to more than a small group of associates we like well.

The Course reminds us that love is not limited.  We are living in an abundant Universe God tells us. 

He demonstrates this by giving us the plenty we want and need to live full lives with abundant worldly wealth.  We also have, most importantly, constant certainty and all the love we can ever want.  The Course reminds us that the ego’s problem is thinking that scarcity is the rule of the game.

This is why the ego then projects out a reality of the same energy when we let the ego do its thing.

This is ruled by lack and looks limited.

When we let the ego run the show, we are always in a position of wanting more because the ego thinks we don’t have enough.

The Course reminds us that we are living in God’s Universe ruled by God’s laws, and thus, we are always giving and receiving energy and feeling love.

We receive love and we give it to others because Love is not limited as God is not limited.  This is why everyone gets loved. 

When we extend love to anyone, the law of God’s Universe is that energy is potent enough to travel by its own power.

Therefore, when we love people, automatically this energy goes to  permeate all others, because love- in energetic form- gets shared naturally.

We learn that love is always given to ourselves as well when we give love to others.  

Therefore, when we love God or the people with whom we share the planet, we all get the extraordinary experience of feeling this love.  Everyone heals when we extend love to anyone. We are asked to simply be aware that love works in this incredible way.

Therefore, we want to focus our attention on sharing love and trusting that this love feeds everyone in the deepest level of our hearts. 

We are all entrusted with this spectacular experience and capacity of being united in love with God and our brothers ands sisters. 

Our job is to simply accept this for the truth it is.


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