Lesson 250: “What is the world?” “Let me not see myself as limited.”
The only problem we can have is when we don’t realize our true worth.
The Course says clearly that God declares us all free from limitations, perfect in our own right, and that we are completely lovable because God says so.
This means there can be no argument about how we truly are.
When God deems us ultra valuable and worthy of being created from God’s essence because God wills it so, then, we have every great thing going for us.
We can have no belief in our limitation if God declares it otherwise.
The most important thing is that we remember God tells us how valuable we are and gives us the keys to the Kingdom because we are always worthy of the best. Therefore, it must be true.
Thus, our value is a sure thing and therefore, we can just accept it.
The only problem we ever have once we get the clear information that we are worthy, is that we forget to claim God’s gifts and we go into this ego- delirious state where we get confused about what God has just told us with all the clarity we need to understand it.
The ego always gets our minds in a state of lack- with no recall of what God says because the ego has a split mind and doesn’t absorb well since the ego is always having a hard time.
The only problem is that we forget that we are worthy.
When it seems far fetched that we are ultra worthy we can have moments of being truly startled by this information and then lose slight of this truth.
The great news is that our problem is never, ever that we become less worthy.
This is always the same because God declares it to be so.
That means that we can have a bit of lightness and ease at least, because we are never in a position- no matter what, where we feel like we need to re- earn God’s Love.
This gives us every reason to dance.
We have great news that we don’t have to do anything to make this happen.
We just need to do that tiny little thing of accepting this.
It can take time to lean how, but, relatively, it is such a little deal that we can prance around and just giggle through the learning because it is a done deal.
We just need to connect with a tiny bit of our willingness, and this is easy enough while we give ourselves the miracle of lightening that part of ourselves that thought we lost God.
We can get happy that this little step we need to take in remembering what God has been telling us is as easy as pie. We can just show up and do it, as much as we can, with no judgement from God, and this is enough.