ACIM Lesson 250

Lesson 250: “What is the world?”  “Let me not see myself as limited.”

The Course is teaching us to reframe our perspective. 

This is always about ourselves. 

The Course says that we are the only people out there anyway, and thus, we need to focus on our own healing and our own remembering that we are perfectly healed and whole as we are now.

The Course reminds us that our primary task is to secure a correct perception of ourselves.  The ego leads us to false beliefs without fail, and in every way.  Thus, the Course goes to considerable lengths to teach us the essence of our true nature.

Evidently, we are sinless as we are, and since we are innocent, then we are especially worthy of all good things that God so desires for us. 

Jesus gives us a whole new identity. 

We learn that we are of God and that is why we are never in error or never in any way sin.  That means we can always be happy, healthy and whole because we are getting the best from God that is possible.

The Course teaches that the problem is that we forget we are God’s greatest and only creation.

We are God’s children and thus, God created us with His energy.

We are of God and our purpose is to learn to identify as God’s most cherished beloveds.  We must remember we are God’s position as loving benefactor.  Thus, the rest of our life will be totally amazing and blessed as it is because God brings for us the best.

The great news about this is that we don’t have to spend an ounce of energy coaxing God to love us.  This is a done deal.

We must remember God claims us as His because this is true.  Our problem is that we forget.

We forget and then we get sluggish when we are encountering the ego’s wild energetic pull toward believing in the ego’s reality.

We struggle when we can’t find the willingness to be vigilant about the process of choosing peace via a God centered existence.  The problem is that we believe God in some way judges us or gets tired of being our favorite confidant.

Therefore, we lose our momentum in getting to God. 

However, it turns out that God never has a moment He is not incredibly happy to take care of us and give us all we want and need.

God never wants to leave our sides or vacate our minds because God enthusiastically anticipates the time we get to spend together.  God loves us as we are.

The Course says that our forgetting is not bad. 

It is just a slippery slope, we just can’t avoid it at times. 

We are not judged by God for forgetting He is our best friend.  We are asked to just stay on the practice of remembering.

The problem is that we forget that we are God’s and therefore, start to buy into this notion we can in any way be limited.

The problem is not that we are truly limited.  This is a huge relief. 

It means there is nothing wrong as things are now.  Our minds and lives are perfectly intact.

We experience nothing in the way of limitation because God gives exactly what we most want and need, God’s Love and certainty. 

All we must do is focus on integrating this knowledge into our minds.

Give our minds latitude for the moments of forgetting.

Accept this and forgive it, and also in the same breath, bring our minds back to God’s truth, denying our limitation.  We must play our parts in being comfortable stumbling.

We must also step back in gratitude for our God, Who never has a moment of doubt about our worth and our limitless capacity.


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