ACIM Lesson 290

Lesson 290:”What is the Holy Spirit?”  “My present happiness is all I see.”

The Course teaches a healthy way to use denial. 

Often when we think about denial it has a reference of something we may have shoved under the rug.  

Denial we associate with something we have overlooked in the ego’s agenda of trying specifically not to deal with whatever is important.

The Course advocates having a healthy realization of what we typically deny. 

The Course teaches usually how to be present with what we deny and make clear effort to allow our issues to arise with the Holy Spirit’s guidance about whatever is left to heal.  

This is often a tricky process because the ego is so good at denying our problems and we can go a very long time not even realizing when something is buried deeply in our consciousness in places we don’t know how to reach.  The Course reminds us, with this kind of denial, we must come to terms with what the ego is not giving appropriate attention to so that we can heal.

Usually we hear the Course teaching us to bring our emotional blocks up to the surface of our consciousness, where we can heal them at last with God’s hand of perfect healing love.

We are always working on remembering that our healing is paramount to our happiness and peace.  

This is why we want to not deny anything for long stretches because we lose touch with that gentle, easy feeling we have when our minds are clear from the block’s to love’s presence.

The joy is what feeds us.  Therefore, it makes perfect sense to do what will ultimately bring us joy.

The Course cares that we do what we can to not deny any feelings that are challenges that are yet to be healed with God’s love in form of our own forgiveness.

The Course also teaches that we can use denial differently, in a totally healthy and helpful way to get us to that place of lightness and peace. 

When we are choosing to join with God’s purpose, we want to use denial adamantly in that we do nothing else but choose God- and happiness.

We deny that anything else exists when we are choosing happiness, exactly so we become more and more clear that this happiness is all we want. 

Our full decision is what we need for the proper outcome of getting what we are asking for.

The more clear and plain is our intention, the more powerful it is to attract exactly what we want.

The power of our clarity can not be overstated. 

Our certain wish for happiness just clears everything that is not happiness out of the way.

Our mind becomes a powerful magnet that attracts happiness.

This is the exact reason why we want to be aligned all the time, with our intention, words and action- as well as with God.  When we do,  our energy is so powerful it is palpable.  This is the way the Universe works.  This is handy to know because it helps us to remember we must take seriously- in a light way- how much we play our part in creating what we see.


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