ACIM Lesson 292

Lesson 292: “What is the Real World?”  “A happy outcome to all things is sure.”

We are asked to give our faith- feet. 

The Course focuses entirely on making our spiritual practices something we DO wholeheartedly, not just something we think about or talk about. 

Giving our spiritual practices all the time and attention to practice with enthusiasm and increased clarity is what we want to do.  Ideas and philosophy are fantastic for what they are, we can be grateful that we have them to help us be as clear as we can about what we want to do and what we are able to do.  But they are just spring boards.

We are the ones who must jump in order to have the sensation of getting higher and achieving an elevated consciousness. 

We want to be happy.  Everyone feels the same.  The only way to do that is to immerse ourselves wholeheartedly into a practice that feeds us and heals us.

We want to create a happy life for ourselves, and the only way to do that is to do as much work ourselves as we need to do to get ourselves to a peak experience. 

Our task is to make the effort as much as we possibly can.  Sometimes we fall short of staying engaged in creating new habits to enhance our lives.

This is bound to happen occasionally.  We can forgive ourselves for losing our way.

We forgive ourselves and we get right back up and find another way to work toward the goal of removing the blocks that we personally have to love’s presence within. 

We may have ungraceful moments in the way we behave but this is just a small error on the path.

All we have to do is get up, shake the dust off of us and move again.

We may even be on the verge of tears when we feel defeated at times. 

The Course teaches us to remember to embrace our faith.  We sit with God and cry when we feel totally devastated and God holds our hands.  God knows the answer we seek.

All we have to do is show up.  We just have to sit next to God in our minds. and be present with His purpose and His energy. 

This is the way we get to know God.  We sit and have a conversation with the Holy Spirit about how to get away from our breaking points.  These moments of crying are part of the important serenity we learn.

Just spend time asking God how to heal and move on from the moments of insanity and suffering we have.  This is the way to feed our faith.  Just sit with God.  Even if we are not gentle enough yet within our minds to even sit and chat with God, just show up and be there.  This is something.

Do anything; we can to just wedge a little opening in our resistant, hard, despairing mind. 

That is a huge step for any of us who feel stuck.

Any amount of movement when we are pushing hard against melting into God is a big step forward in the undoing of our minds.  It all gets us to God.


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