Lesson 300: “What is the Real World?”  “Only an instant does this world endure.”

The whole purpose of the Course is to teach us to undo our thinking. 

Everything we believe in the world is predicated on a reality that is false and has serious gaps in logic for sure.

God is believed to be a certain way.   We seem to think time is particularly as it is.  The world believes in scarcity as a rule.  We think it all has meaning as the ego sees it.  It is a means to an end of a particularly bad nightmare.

Nothing about the world is true except that we can leave it in God’s time and in God’s manner.

We can’t escape it if we don’t pay special attention to the intention we bring to all.

Scarcity appears to be in the mix of what is already there when we get to the world.

We learn that the world includes this concept of time that limits us dramatically. 

Time is always something we must negotiate and learn how to manage.

We don’t believe that we can set our own relationship with time as it suits us and use time for the express purpose of getting to God. 

We think time is set in stone and we don’t realize we can change how we perceive it with a simple wish to do so.  We, in the ego’s perspective, see that time always limits us to the human form and human expression because time necessarily is bound by the physical laws of the world.

We are learning to undo all that old information we learned from the ego’s perception of the nature of the world.

The Course teaches us to remember that everything gets rewritten when we allow God- in the Course’s version of God- to completely change everything about the world that limits us or resigns us to living in scarcity. 

The true God- the one who loves us so much because we are worthy of being loved- is changing all the rules.  We just have to let God make the picture anew.

We must let all that insanity of the world to fall away with not a single thought of resistance. 

All we have to do is show up and let God lead us effortlessly home to the place of Heaven where we live with no laws but God’s.

The Course teaches us we can change our minds because it turns out when we get the correct information that God is way better than the ego, we want to choose God because it makes sense.

Then, we just need to make the transition into a God centered mind and give the ego a permanent vacation with a firm, but clear, voice because we have gained the awareness that God suits us infinitely better.



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