Lesson 337: “What is the ego?”  “My sinlessness protects me from all harm.”

This lesson says, “My sinlessness ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from all thought of loss; complete deliverance from all suffering.” 

This idea of our sinlessness is incredibly powerful.

This belief is what gives us even safety in the world. 

We may not be used to thinking that we can change the events in the world with our state of mind, but the Course teaches this is true.  Our sinlessness means we are totally worthy of all of God’s love and favor because we have made no grave errors.

We have not fallen from the grace of God because God tells us in the Course there is nothing we can do to fall from God’s grace.

God loves us eternally because we are gifted as God’s cherished children to whom God is totally devoted.

We have the love of God and God declares that there is no fault whatsoever that can make us lose our innocence. 

The problem is that the egos have their own versions of reality.  We are used to thinking we are not valuable because we make mistakes.  But the Course confirms once and for all that this is incorrect thinking.

When we let the world tell us how to define ourselves, this is what causes us to suffer in the world and it causes us to have the experience of vulnerability there.

When we don’t feel certain we are lovable and that we have God’s love, then our certainty is not intact. 

This is why Jesus teaches us- at great lengths- that we are worthy exactly as we are.

And when we realize we are sinless, our energy changes. 

When we feel positive about who we are and we feel good about whatever we bring to the world, then we can rest in our certainty.  This is God’s certainty that we adopt when we remember we are loved by God.

This is what makes us powerful, because we feel so good and comfortable and at home with ourselves that we don’t have moments of doubt and despair.

Our experience in the world changes when we change the state of our minds.

When we feel certainty and sit quietly in that certainty, this is what brings us peace because nothing bad can happen when we are gifted with the splendor of God’s love. 

Our sense of safety is also totally affected when we remain certain.

We have such a solid, healthy and full attitude that nothing can impact us in a negative way. 

Nothing the world has any bearing, because we feel so strong in the energy we carry with us. 

When we feel God’s certainty, we may have problems still but the force in our minds is so strong, we feel like the world does not cause raucous energy within us.

Nothing makes us feel vulnerable because we have the love of God.  This provides us with the proper alignment in ourselves and in the situation so our energy is stimulated and fortified.

Therefore, when need be, we feel like we can stand up for ourselves in situations in which we need to advocate for ourselves. 

This is why God’s certainty means everything.

When we feel this greatness in the form of God’s certainty, the likelihood is also better that we have more positive experiences in the world. because we exude God’s certainty. 

Therefore, we are more likely to get God’s certainty reflected in whatever we see outside of us.  This is why certainty is imperative on many levels.  Therefore, we must seriously be committed to feeling it.


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