Lesson 359: “What am I?” “God’s answer is some form of peace. All pain is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake.”
The first bit of good news is that God is always carrying out the best plan for us in the Universe’s output.
The Universe shapes itself to fit God’s Will and we can trust this because Jesus says so.
That is why we can be non-judgmental when we see a situation we think may be unwanted. Just sit back, clear our minds and be willing to accept the situation differently.
Let God be the only designer and architect of our lives.
God has the only magic key that unlocks the kingdom of happiness.
Thus, we can start every situation in acceptance because we just simply trust God to do His thing. Then we have less resistance when we do away with our judgement. Then we can enjoy ourselves instead.
God always brings every situation into a realm of peace because God so wills this for us and the world and that is why it is continually happening. God always wants peace for us; therefore we can trust that this is what will happen. We sometimes forget to see things for what they truly are.
We must remember to try not to decide the true meaning about anything without God’s help. This never works.
The Course says all situations that look like calls for love are simply where God is ushering in more peace in the very moment.
The Course reminds us to bring love to every situation, but especially to the ones that we believe are lacking love. God asks us to bring Love because doing so always heals the seeming rifts in the world.
Therefore, our peace is a done deal when we are focused on being bringers of God’s Love.
When we stay committed to applying it abundantly, then we feel good because nothing is difficult when we are filled with God’s Love. And when we remember to bathe and drink in God’s Love, then we feel peaceful all the time.
Our mind with quiet peace is a natural result from the balanced, healthy and plentiful state of mind we have when we are aligned with God’s Love and purpose.
Therefore, peace is easy when we just allow our minds to be vehicles for God’s Love.
We are asked to let God answer all of our challenges and inquiries. God brings us what is truly the route to peace.
It may look like we are meant to take proactive steps in the world to answer concerns we have there.
We may want to speak directly to someone to whom we need to send a clear message- that we were bothered by something they said or did.
There may be times to act in the world, with what seem to be significant practical situations we’d like to change.
We must remember that even if peace is our norm because we live avidly in God’s Love all the time, we may have times we need to be assertive in verbal or physical ways.
Just appreciate the importance of doing this with Love.
Hold forgiveness in our hearts because this is the energy that heals the rifts between us and them. In the meantime, we can take steps to change something in the world. This is fine.
Just appreciate that all we do in the world, to heal situations where we want to bring Love, we must combine our forgiveness and Love when we make action steps.
When we feel love and forgiveness- this changes our energy and intention and it is the most accurate answer to the call for love.