ACIM Lesson 98

Lesson 98: “I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation.”

We learn how here- with enthusiasm and curiosity- to accept the role we have in God’s very specific plan for the salvation of the world.

Our task is to get into the feeling of certainty and the knowing that we are loved by God and are lovable. 

When we feel lovable, then our certainty remains in place. Our feeling great about ourselves and worthy is how Jesus asks us to embrace and what to embody throughout our behavior.

When we feel that incredible certainty then we can feel entirely worthy of any role that God may ask us to do.  

God has a set plan in mind.

God knows everything and has a plan set in place already because God always knows how to make the best end ever, even if we think the process may seem messy. 

We must appreciate that God is a master at work and all the Universe shift-shapes to fit God’s will because God would have it no other way. 

Therefore, we can stand back and just let God do His thing.  We can trust the infinite wisdom of God that is far beyond the ego’s minute scale of magic.

We must trust God’s vision and get out of the way with the kinds of thinking we have that obstructs our flow to God’s Love.  This is the best thing we can do. 

Getting out of the way is the only real job we have because then the Universe follows forth with a result of perfection that we can’t even imagine. 

The will of God is perfect and we are asked to sit by and witness while  trying to not rearrange anything.

We must just sit with the splendor of God and know that we are also creations of God and also have this amazing God-energy and Essence- as our pure core.  

The Course reminds us that our grandeur is when we remember we are God’s rightful children and are of the essence of God.

This grandeur- when we feel it- reminds us that we are God’s chosen children and that God loves us and deeply respects us so much that God wants to give us an amazing role in the salvation of the world. 

This grandeur happens when we are tuned into God’s vibe.  That is when we exude God.

Our grandeur is in full when we just sit and understand how important our role is in the salvation of the world, even if it is just sitting in the same mind with God and letting God do all the leg work.  

We don’t necessarily have to do anything in the process of saving the world except joining with God and joining with our brothers and sisters.  We don’t have to do anything but feel shared love.

Our grandiosity occurs when we think we are not good enough, when we have the ego’s opinion of ourselves.

Grandiosity happens when we have ego-fantasies that we are better but the truth is that when we are in a grandiose mindset this feeling better than other people is just a figment of our imagination. 

It is the feeling of being proud that is, in fact, not true.

Grandiosity is always based on the ego’s flimsy self concept which is always erratic and off-balance and inappropriate and therefore, unstable. 

This is why we want to not rely on grandiosity to inflate our egos because it is never for more than a second because the ego’s power is essentially nil.


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