Lesson 99: “Salvation is my only function here.”
This lesson says, “What but a Thought of God could be this plan, by which the never done is overlooked, and sins forgotten which were never done real?”
The Course goes out of the way to explain to us that sin is not real.
This can feel earth shattering for lots of us who experience the world as seeming the only reality out there.
It can make us stress about what is in fact out there if we have no world because God makes it unreal. It can also feel disconcerting, if we believe that God is supposed to be a loving God and saving us His favor.
We can think- where is God in all this if we can’t find God in the world?
It can feel like God has deserted us because he seemingly left us in the world alone.
If it is not real, in theory there is no way that we could find the world that includes God because God has us in this place of limbo that doesn’t feel good if we can’t trust the world to be real.
No one likes feeling like God deserted us in some way. No one will feel happy about that. We may have a hard time cozying up to God and counting our blessings from Him because we can’t find Him if the world is unreal.
The Course fortunately has a totally different viewpoint of the true reality of the predicament that appears to be upon us that God declared the world unreal and deserted us.
The Course reminds us that God is actually not just making our lives more difficult with the declaration that the world is not real.
It is not that God is happily disturbing our perception of the world and all in it.
The Course reminds us that in declaring the world unreal, God is actually doing us a huge favor.
The Course says that God wants us to not feel burdened by our attack energy type of perception of the world.
The best way to do that is to first remember God is our number one ally, not the Source from Whom we receive attack. God in no way left us out for the wolves to devour us.
Our seeing the world as unreal actually allows our minds to be more open to God’s will.
It also allows God to be more available to us because then we can use our time and energy remembering that God simply wants us to get into practice of focusing on the fact that the world has no power to hurt us when we believe the world is unreal.
Further, this makes it easier for ourselves to get into that mind frame where we go to God to instruct us as to how to interpret the world.
We learn how to not get into the battle with the attack energy from the world because if the world is unreal, then we have no reason to engage the attack energy we perceive there. This brings us a little closer -bit by bit- to that inner peace we all crave.
God wants us to get out of that old habit of making the world our reality as it is.
The Course reminds us to just listen and hear the the true story of reality. We can do this and we are asked to do this as it is the best way to hear the truth that the world we thought existed before was nothing but a huge illusion.
Furthermore, we are asked to just accept that it is never a place where we are missing God when we allow God’s true perception to be written on it.