Lesson 100: “My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.” 

The Course reminds us that God has no need for our own kudos. 

God doesn’t need us or anyone else to join a brigade of loyal followers.  

When we do this, often the ego can be steering the ship.  The ego is the one who decides that God needs followers to be validated.

The ego’s version of God is one where God is needy because the ego sees God as similar to itself because this is the way the ego does things. 

This is why the ego gets quite confused about God needing us to make himself feel good.  God doesn’t need us at all because God is in no way needy.  The part we must realize is that the ego’s tendency to assume God is the same as the ego is just a trick of mind.

This is false for sure because it is based on the ego and not on God which is the only consistently perfect energy.

The good news is that we are in relationship with God who is the primary Entity we want to be involved with anyway because He is especially amazing and perfect. 

Therefore, we can let go of that ego confusion that undoubtedly we end up with sometimes because the ego barks forcefully in our minds, as we listen to it and think it has some reality even when it is just a false noise.

God is not needy- this is a huge bit of information to integrate into our thinking.

However, God does really want our company. 

God is an entirely whole and already healed, perfectly aligned, and also a perfectly created Entity.  This is why God is never needy- in the least bit.

With that said, God also is a healthy and wonderful entity that we want to have a relationship with because God’s is the best energy we can commune with. 

Thus, we want to be with God- in the closest relationship we can muster- because God invites us to do all of our favorite things like being happy, light, and peaceful. 

God is truly extraordinary and we get to be the ones to be close to God and, thus, we are blessed.


The good news is that God is a perfect entity and that means God has no need of our company in any way.  This is great because this means we don’t have to take care of God in any way.

We don’t have to make sure God gets all the attention He needs because God has no need for anything because God is perfect.

God totally wants us to show up and join in the sharing of love because God is happy and whole within His own Identity.

Since He is perfect, then he simply wants all of us to join in the sharing of love because it is more fun for God to get to hang out with us. 

There is a huge difference when we know God doesn’t need us to complete Him in any way because God is already whole. 

We must realize we are invited to show up and join with enthusiasm because God just loves to be with us, with absolutely zero pressure on us to complete God in any true sense.


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