Laurie’s Positive Points: Feel all of your emotions no matter how difficult they seem!

Laurie’s Positive Points: 

Feel all of your emotions no matter how difficult they seem!

Our egos make a judgment -about whatever emotion we have. Our egos complain at the most heightened level.

We always hear them within, so we try to do whatever will keep them quiet. Our egos’ complaints are always that thing we do not want to hear because we inevitably discover with attack energy.

It is beyond belief something so serious we do not want to feel this attack energy. So we do all we can to keep this kind of ego’s attack energy not to be something we have to deal with. Receiving our attack energy from judgment is why we attempt to squelch our egos’ complaints within us. 

As humans, we all experience lots of emotions. We feel the gamut of emotions. We feel Love and fear primarily but also some shades of fear like anger, resentment, anxiety, dread, irritation, and sadness, while joy is similar to Love.

A variety of shades exists in each of these emotions, so we must be aware of all their variations.

When we feel certain emotions, they elicit emotional and physical responses, so we try to deny their presence and not touch them because we believe they are unpleasant.

But whenever we identify we have any emotion, especially the ones we believe are unpleasant, we must take the time and effort to process them so they do not get stuck within our minds and hearts and block the flow of God’s Love.

God always provides the flow of Love within us whenever we are open to this state.

Let us do our best!! It takes enormous guts and courage because we must do what we believe may be unpleasant. So feeling our feelings is one of the biggest celebrations we can have because it is often difficult. So stay with the program and be willing to work with our minds and heal them entirely from stuck, unprocessed emotions.

Be kind to yourself and your loved ones.

All Love,

 Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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