Laurie’s Positive Points: The energy of investigation is Godly.

Laurie’s Positive Points: “The energy of investigation is Godly.  Be open to really changing your diet in full if that seems appropriate.”

One thing that has worked for me in my recovery from my food addiction is to make sure that my whole diet changed. 

Before I made that change entirely, then my addictive behaviors would reappear the same way in different forms. 

What worked for me is to look at every little piece of food I ate, from sauces, down to additives, and ingredients that come with the food I planned to eat.  

It always seemed like my binge foods would reappear in the midst of eating something else that I thought was benign, and not going to trigger the intense rush when I ate my binge foods. 

The binge foods would make me want more of them because they did not fit well with my body,  and when I ate them, I would instantly want more, because of my own physical and energetic relationship with those foods. 

This is why the cycle of binging for most people and certainly for me was just repeated, over and over, when I started to eat any of my binge foods at all.  I would go energetically and psychologically back into that old broken place.  

We need to really look at every little part of our diets and see what triggers us.  This is the best news and best information because it will eventually lead us out of that triggering relationship with whatever food it is.  This is why it is worth investigating.  

I had so many binge foods and I found that for a while when I was learning how to eat differently I needed to not eat them at all. 

It makes sense to really re-pattern our bodies and minds and re-pattern our relationships with the foods. 

We need to get to a place wherewe can eat appropriate amounts for our ideal weight and body type. 

We want to get  to that place where we can have our binge foods in the room and they no longer trigger us. 

 The best way to do that sometimes is to simply give ourselves a break from consuming them.  

I went two years without eating sugar in my thirties and I found that to be the hardest thing I have done with food. 

I did not even eat out.  I literally carried food with me everywhere, and I just cooked everything myself so I that I could monitor how much sugar, additives, and other sweeteners where added to my food. 

It was such work, but it was also really cool because I felt so much better physically  and emotionally because I was eating so well.  

That made it worth the effort!!  And if you knew how much I wanted to eat sugar and my binge foods, you would be shocked.  I really wanted them so much. 

But then after a while, my craving for them stopped because my body became much more balanced around sugar.  That was a miracle indeed!

And then, partly as a result of this experience of not eating sugar for such a long time, I am now about 95% comfortable with sugar. 

I don’t crave it like I did before when I was actively binging, and now I don’t sit and think about it every waking moment when I absolutely did before.  And partly just because I became a lot more at ease with not eating sugar, now I don’t have spells of wanting it so much it is too hard to deny the craving. 

That makes my mind feel at ease, and I am in far less conflict because before when I was actively binging, I always wanted to consume!  I felt at war with myself because I wanted to consume everything in sight. 

Not eating sugar got me into a groove of eventually being at ease with sugar as I am now. 

I got some practice at being really hard core with moderating my eating choices since I was not eating what I most wanted, and this just helped to develop a groove within me energetically, which makes my comfort level with food dramatically better.

Just explore different options with food.  Really be conscious about what truly works for you in all ways. 

Take time and attention to investigate this and be open to figuring out new ways and habits to use with food. 

And we have the chance to do all of this with God.   

Figuring out our relationships with food allows us a chance to get more authentic and intimate with our own minds and hearts and bodies, and this is always an experience in getting deeper with our Godly Selves. The energy of investigation is Godly.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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