I know for a fact that my ego- especially- is in the habit of seizing the reins, and then running like a mad-person to establish control.  My ego, I know from experience, is an expert in simply convincing me that every thing is just perfect when my ego is speaking the loudest.  I get so bewildered by my ego’s persistent madness, and ability to persuade me of its power, -that it is the best choice for my ego to decide my every move.

The Course says if we can’t do anything else, that is ok.  We just need to be willing to do the easiest, most straight forward thing, and choose God.  That’s it. We can make a million mistakes, and have moments when we doubt we are doing enough.  But even when we have every moment with serious doubt, we can stand tall, and keep our shoulders high, because we have God in our corner.


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