Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 43: “God is my Source.  

I cannot see apart from Him.”

We need to get used to relying on God for everything.  The purpose of the Course is to teach us to identify wholly with God, using God as the sole determinate that makes us who we are.  Then the Course teaches us to see with God always.  We are learning the practice of making it ok that we turn to God for every answer.  The ego usually complains loudly or puts up some obstacles to prevent a sooner connection to God mind.  The ego prevents us from just joining right up with God with

zero fuss

and without the emotional drama.  The ego wants to keep us just spinning our wheels internally so we can’t get to a place of just uniting with God mind.

The Course is the instruction manual to teach us that God is good and that God is always the ideal parent and supporter we have always dreamed of- taking care of our every need.  God is the perfect representation and demonstration of our perfect parental relationship we have available.  Further, we can rely on God solely for anything we deem as lacking in our world.  God is always available for our moments of distress and mistaken belief in lack.  God is always teaching us- in the Course especially- that God is always the provider of our happiest dream.

This means that God can and will always give us exactly what we need.  This means that we can simply believe and allow God to be our Source.  The Course teaches us to make God our only Source so we don’t get confused about any seeming validity to the ego’s relationship style.  We are asked to keep it simple.  Allow God to be the only Source.  When we do this, we are totally available for the Love of God- which is always plenty of every bit of glorious gifts.  We can just sit back and enjoy the ride when we stop trying to look elsewhere for God’s amazing Source of all good things.
We also are learning to see nothing without God.  When we think about this our ego tries to squeeze into our minds and fill the space there with itself and fool us into believing it is important or even simply real.  God on the other hand is always there for guidance.  We are learning to rely on God as our only Source of all good things and the most blessed existence.  Also, we are learning to not let the ego slip by and try to establish itself into a deeper hold within our minds where we start to believe that it has anything it can give us that is even remotely valuable.

The ego tries to function in the shade.  The ego just tries to cast a shadow over our minds so we stop being able to tell the difference between God’s Love and the ego’s insane words of darkness.  The ego can’t tell us the difference when it is overshadowing over God’s perfect love.   This is why we just need to ask God for the light of perfect love to cast out the ensuing shadow.  Then, we will no longer be confused about what is God and what is the ego.

This lesson says, “You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God.”  This logic is full proof.  There is no way you can argue with that because it is one of the fundamental truths.  That means our gift is- we don’t have to argue with it.  Lots of times in the world debating is a valuable tool.  People express their opinions and sometimes people need to stand up for themselves in a a way that supports them in having the healthiest and happiest life possible.  Debating sure has its purpose, when we do it in God’s light.  But what is beautiful here is that we can stop discussing whether this is true or in what way it impacts our lives.  The beauty is that we can stop internally struggling over this logic because it makes so much sense.  This is lovely so we can relax and not worry about how true is this statement.  What we can do instead is use our energy to take this in.  We can just gently allow this truth to be brought into our innermost center and bless it for teaching us the truth of how things are.


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