Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 44: “God is the light in which I see.”

This lesson says, “In order to see, you must recognize that light is within, not without.”  This gives us the way we can get to peace when we see light within.  Jesus teaches us that light is always within us.  Our inner core is simply the expression of the light from God from which it was made.  This means that our deepest recesses of our minds and souls are filled with Light because God created us this way.  This means that a life filled with God’s purpose, lightness and peace are always ours.  This light is always blazing within our minds and God planned our lives to be the expression of our light in the form of miracles in the world.  The light is forever bursting with the flame of comfort.  That means this light is warm and comfortable because it casts out any memory of anguish or fear.

We have this light within us that is always there because it is our essential substance.  We are the light in form.  God is the light and we are the light because God wants us to be not simply and only aligned with each other, but actually, share the same energy and foundation as God.  Because we are made just like God, this is why this light of God is always available within us and always readily accessible.

The Course says that the light within is in fact God’s energy.  When we realize we share exactly God’s energy this become the basis for the certainty of our perfection as children of God. Further, all that that entails becomes the basis upon which we base our day to day plans.  When we sit in our certainty, then we realize that we are completely powerful as we are.

We don’t have to put up any defenses emotionally or physically when we sit in the energy of God that sustains us.  This is the way to live in our strength.  We never have to resort to our defenses which are the other side of our guilt and fear.  We can sit in the certainty alone and this is enough to completely change the outcome of any seeming obstacles in which we find ourselves.  The way we assert our power is to stay firm in our choice for peace.  We just hold fast to this idea and make peace the only priority in our minds.

Prioritize peace.♥

Then when peace is our number one agenda, then we can make guided actions in the situation that feel appropriate according to the Holy Spirit’s agenda.

We just need to stay committed to our peace and realize that what we need to do first is align our minds with God’ agenda- which is peace- and then whatever action we feel called to make will be with the intention of love and and ultimately the best for all.  We need to just stay in the mindset that defenses always steer us wrong.  The ego gets afraid and grabs onto a defensive outlook.  Then we start to believe we are weak because we let ourselves believe that defenses have a purpose that is Godly.  We simply need to tune into our minds and choose again.  We need to surrender any fantasy that we need defenses to arm ourselves.

Deny Defensiveness.

What we need is a powerful mind first.  We always need to choose God first and then sit in our certainty.  Then let go of the insane attraction to weakness that appears when we allow our minds to believe in the validity of our defenses.  This never works because it is the belief that we would be stronger without God’s certainty in a situation that appears to be an attack.  This is simply false.


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