Miracles Lesson 186: “Salvation of the world depends on me.” This lesson explains, ‘Here is the statement that will one day take all arrogance away from every mind…And if He deems us worthy, so are we. It is but arrogance that judges otherwise. The salvation of the world depends...
Miracles Lesson 186
Laurie Prez, , Uncategorized, God does not consider us sinners and we have no faults because God loves us so much and this is is HIs Will to feel this way about us and treat us this way, God in the Course says that we are entirely worthy and sinless because we can not sin- therefore there is no guilt, It is arrogant to not believe in our worth because God declared it and therefore it is true, The Course repeatedly explains that we need to be the ones to save the world, The Course says that God is fine when we make mistakes- we never lose our favor from God, The Course says that God saves the world not me or nor others- these religions say that it is arrogant to say we that we are the ones who save the world and they would call that blasphemous, The Course says that it is arrogant fro us not to save the world and not to offer miracles in the form of forgiveness, The only hard problem we have in the illusion is that we forget to feel worthy, we forget, 0