Lesson 110: “I am as God created me.”

This lesson says, “Today, honor Yourself.” 

We have the gentlest of requests. 

The Course prompts us to learn by heart only one thing- that we are lovable as the children of God. 

We ought to remember nothing else. 

It is that simple, and that kind and easy. 

We have no maze to decipher and no lengthy process. 

It is a loving and sweet suggestion.  God wants us to know that we are worthy.  

We humans, more than anything else, forget to feel worthy. 

And when we forget we are worthy, then, all of our worldly transactions are contaminated with diabolical, restricted energy. 

Meanwhile, we are ceaselessly functioning from a less than a half cup. 

When we always see things from the perspective of the little, with scarcity as our only attitude, then, we are never rejoicing in our worldly adventures. 

When we forget our worth, then, everything looks like lack of love in the world. 

We believe the world is limited; it is unchangeable because we can not mobilize even a bit of might within us.  

The Course reminds us that we are united with God and all of our brothers and sisters and that we share God’s Energy and Purpose. 

This is why the Course capitalizes “Yourself” here- to remind us that there is no separation between us and God, and thus, our practice is to get into the habit of respecting this reality- the certainty of God’s wishes for us.

God gives us the permission to heal ourselves outright, with the simple knowledge that we are so worthy that there is never a moment we must feel guilt, or doubt, or resentment or suffering. 

We have God as the single power behind us.

God’s strength of Will and Purpose makes us feel great because God’s Energy is extraordinarily elevated. 

And it makes us jump for joy, and leap to join in situations that call for the miracle, because we feel formidable enough to give it light in the form of miracles.

We get to honor ourselves, today, and that means here and now. 

We are asked to be willing to stay in the present, and just do- in the moment- what is best for us and for all. 

When a miracle is called for, we are reminded to be miracle-ready. 

We are asked to be the one person who is the most sane in the situation in the moment, and then, to apply our miracles of God’s grace. 

We are invited to remember that since God created us, then all we have to do is stay in that simple air of acceptance. 

We are invited to come every day, and simply take God’s lessons of Love, as they are. 

We stay committed to the progressing- one day at a time. 

We can remember to simply honor ourselves, since this is the best way to respect the worthiness of who we are, by our right as God’s children. 


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