Lesson 3006: “What is the Second Coming?”  “The gift of Christ is all I seek today.”

This lesson says, “In gratitude and thankfulness we come, with empty hands and open hearts and minds, asking but what you give.” 

I just love the Course’s message that says that we seek only what is already ours. 

We all seek because that is part of what we must do in our human condition. 

Physically, we need things, of course, to sustain our bodies, but emotionally and spiritually we also always seek things because we we believe in the illusion that we are not whole.  We seek so that we can be happier and healthier and more productive and easier.

The Course says that the most wonderful conclusion for us in the search for sustenance and energetic completion and comfort is that we already have it. 

We just need to remember this and we will have all that we need. 

We will feel whole because we remember we already are whole.

The only way to get our needs met is the simple realization that they are already met, because God says so.

Therefore, we don’t have to do anything in this process but come with our wholly empty hands and an open heart.

All we need to do is be that willing vessel and bring our minds to the hands of God and allow ourselves to rest there in the knowledge we are already healed and perfectly whole when we simply choose to remember this as it is. 

This is the way that our sense of needing to seek for anything is truly healed and completely erased.

When we remember that we need nothing but simply to accept God’s gifts for what they are, then, any feeling we may have of being broken or in any way less than whole simply disappears.

Our seeking, simply then, becomes about returning home.

When we remember that we are perfect as we are, then we can simply get into the energetic state where we are united with God, and can simply just enjoy it. 

We let this fill our hearts and minds with exactly what is the perfect antidote in the situation where we believe we have needs. 

God gives us our way home to our perfect certainty. 

All we need to do is remember that this is exactly where we want this and need this, within our own minds, and, therefore, we do not need to look anywhere else.

This means all of our problems are over because they never existed in the first place.

Then we can sit and enjoy our infinitely happy life.


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