Lesson 307: “What is the Second Coming?” “Conflicting wishes can not be my will.”
This lesson says, “Let me try to not make another will, for it is senseless and will cause me pain.”
We are asked to give up our attachment to being right.
The ego is filled with its own conviction about usurping power and being in control.
The ego wants everything just as the ego sees fit.
We have such a battle when it comes to getting the ego to simply be quiet or get out of the hot seat.
We can’t get the ego to simply let go of its insistence on doing things just so.
The Course reminds us that God absolutely has a plan and a perfect will and perfect agenda for us and all with whom we interact.
We just need to accept that this is true and allow this information to sink in as we surrender our resistance to it.
The problem is that the ego is the number one rebel and likes to rock the boat in keeping us in the same old state of numbness. Therefore, we forget that God is truly here to be the one we can count on to give us exactly the life we want when we just sit and allow ourselves to realize this.
The Course gives us a God who completely loves us with a passion and specifically designed our every waking moment for our joy and lightness and for the higher good of everyone involved.
We just need to take this in and acknowledge it.
God has this will in place so that means we can just show up, sit and enjoy the ride.
We don’t have to do anything expect be present and willing to open our hearts at least the smallest amount.
We don’t have to do anything big or extravagant. Just come to the party as God creates it.
We are asked to just give God permission to call the shots and release our resistance.
It is our responsibility and joy to simply not judge God’s plan.
When we judge we cause ourselves pain.
God is giving us a situation where we never need to judge because God plans our life perfectly and therefore, we have no reason to judge it in any respect.
Since we have no reason to judge it, we can entirely end our pain, because God has the perfect plan. All pain comes from our judgement.